
Simple testing with vite

Primary LanguageJavaScript


use vite to test your vue app in real browser and/or puppeteer


  • fast execution, simple setup
  • compared to jest this setup is a breeze, e.g. no additional config files, no transformations, just ES modules
  • native environment compared to jest & js-dom


  • in your vite project you'll need to install this 3 packages
  • tap-dot is only needed if you use CI and want to get correct exit code
npm install --save-dev vite-test @vue/test-utils@next tap-dot

sample package.json scripts:

"scripts": {
  "test:debug": "vite-test --debug",
  "test": "vite-test | tap-dot"
  • vite-test --debug to keep vite server open on http://localhost:3000 to debug your test in browser dev tools directly, e.g. on http://localhost:3000/test.html
  • vite-test | tap-dot CI friendly exit code by tap-dot library (npm install tap-dot)

Also see /test directory

terminal / CI

vite-test will run your tests in puppeteer

browser through vite

Open http://localhost:3000/test.html when running vite dev server and open your dev tools
