
For use in workspace symbols (WIP)

Primary LanguageZigMIT LicenseMIT

Trigram Bench

For use in ZLS workspace symbols.

Problem Statement


  • Document: A Zig file.
  • Declaration: A u32 that represents a declaration. Only a name is exposed. The rest is considered a ZLS implementation detail for practical purposes.
  • Symbol / Declaration Name: A []const u8 that is the name of a declaration.
  • Index: Preprocessed state representing a document's symbols used to perform a search.
  • Query / Search: A search query that will be matched with a trigram search described below.
  • Trigram: A window over a string with window size 3 and stride 1. Our trigrams are Unicode-based and not byte-based and are case sensitive. Example: Counter is composed of the trigrams Cou, oun, unt, nte ter.


We begin by obtaining 10,000 symbols extracted from zigwin32's everything.zig found in symbols.txt. Each symbol is given a declaration, from 0 to 9_999. A list declarations : Declaration (u32) -> Symbol ([]const u8) exists and is used for checking the correctness of a search.

Each symbol is then split into its constituent trigrams, and a mapping trigram_to_decls : Trigram -> []const Declaration is created. This maps trigrams to the declarations whose names contain the trigram.

Currently there is one indexing method in common.zig. If your query method requires a different kind of indexing, let me (Auguste) know.


We begin by splitting our query into its constituent trigrams. Then we access trigram_to_decls with each trigram and obtain the intersection of each decl list.

Let's walk through a made up example. We're searching for Alloc, which is composed of the trigrams All, llo, and loc.

We access the trigram_to_decls mapping for each trigram and obtain the following declaration lists for each trigram:

All -> { 0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 8 }
llo -> { 2, 3, 5, 6, 9 }
loc -> { 0, 2, 3, 10 }

We perform the intersection and obtain:

All ∩ llo ∩ loc -> { 2, 3 }

To check if this result makes sense, we can access declarations:

2 -> Allocator
3 -> ArenaAllocator



Can you come up with the most effective way of indexing/querying this data? Anything is permitted as long as it replicates the test results with a reasonable balance of memory usage and performance. If a trade-off between indexing and query time appears, we'd rather make indexing faster to prevent delays for users not/rarely utilizing workspace symbols.

Please use a std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged as it's required for the binary fuse filter (this bench only operates on a single document, but ZLS will operate on thousands, so the filter used to prevent unnecessary accesses).

The current solutions are:

  • merge.zig
  • hashmap.zig

Useful Stats

Our trigram_to_decls mapping has 10505 elements with an average of ~21 declarations (can be repeated) per trigram.