
Art-craft web site register user can post there cart craft. Only each person can update and delete there data. My cart craft route only view there post.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Website Name:- Art & Craft

The Art-Craft website allows registered users to post, update, and delete their craft items. Each user can manage only their own posts. Logged-in users can access "Add Craft," "Update Craft," and "My Craft" sections. CRUD functionality is implemented using Express and MongoDB. Registration is available via email, with login options through email, GitHub, and Google accounts. The "My Craft" route displays only the posts made by the logged-in user. Wrong URLs lead to a "Page Not Found" error, ensuring proper navigation and user-specific content management within a secure and user-friendly platform.

Live Link

Features and characteristics

  • Login users can visit Add Craft, Update Craft, My Craft
  • CRUD Functionality Express, MongoDB
  • Only each person can update and delete there items
  • Register with Email Address
  • Login with Email, GitHub, and Google Account
  • Wrong URL visit display page not found

npm package

  • Swiper slider

  • React Hook form

  • react-icons

  • sweetalert2

  • react-simple-typewriter

  • react-awesome-reveal

  • firebase

    selected category: Jute & wooden Crafts

  • Wooden Furniture & Sculptures

  • Wooden Home Decor

  • Wooden Utensils and Kitchenware

  • Jute Home Decor

  • Jute Kitchenware & utensils

  • Jute and wooden jewelry

    Clone and Run Local

  • first clone client

  • command npm install

  • setup firebase configuration in the .env file

React + Vite

This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.

Currently, two official plugins are available: