HTX Dataset

The drone changes its position at a fixed altitude during recording to keep up with moving targets. However, the sudden camera movements lead to inaccurate measurement-to-track association (M2TA) and degrade tracking performance.

In this dataset, there are 6 targets. The camera contains panning, tilting and zooming. Each frame has a size of 1920*1080 pixel.

Researchers can use this scenario to publish papers.


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@INPROCEEDINGS{10224131, author={Tian, Zijiao and Bar-Shalom, Yaakov and Yang, Rong and Huang, Hong’An Jack and Ng, Gee Wah}, booktitle={2023 26th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION)}, title={Interframe Association of YOLO Bounding Boxes in the Presence of Camera Panning and Zooming}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-7}, doi={10.23919/FUSION52260.2023.10224131}}