NOTE: Please upload minimum amount of (waveform) data to keep the repository light.
Demos: Demo use of builded packages/scripts
Git(hub) is a code version-control platform to maintain the development and collaborations of code. The following shows the basic instruction to use and contribute the project.
NOTE: This repository is for sharing of codes. Please do not work directly on the repository. It is suggested to make a copy of the useful code. Or else, your work will be shared in here. Setup a "cloned" version of the repository to your computer
- git clone [url]
Synchronize the latest code from github to your local computer repository
- git pull
Contribute after amending codes in your local machine
- git add .
- git commint -m "msg of the commit"
- git push
obspy numpy pandas matploblib
#run to add the path to your python environment
Earthquake Detection
- PhaseNet
- GeneralizedPhaseDetection
- EQscancorr
Earthquake Phase Association and Location (& Relocation)
- REAL: Rapid Earthquake Assocation
- Velest
- Hypoinverse
- HypoDD
- Glowclast
Earthquake Source Study
- topodd
- Ambient Noise
- Matplotlib
Data Management
- Antelope
Data Source
Last but not least, thanks all for contribution the community
- @zijinping
- @jwjeremy
- @JunhaoSong