
Express app to support green movement.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CO2 Tamagotchi

This Express app uses geolocation tracking to monitore and positively re-enforece green movement. It was set up as a pair-programming project with nalipay (https://github.com/nalipay), fulfilling the requirements of a basic Full-stack Web Application with a validation model, a user CRUD and an adittional tamagotchi CRUD model.

How it works:

  • you can get your own tamagotchi here: https://co2tamagotchi-iibn2x3pq-zikaden.vercel.app/
  • sign up and create your own unique green tamagotchi
  • monitore your green movement (walking, cycling, public transport) using the tamagotchi interface
  • you may also use the geolocation tracking for monitoring
  • your tamagotchi will envolve as you accumulate kms
