
Pytorch version of "Deep Convolutional Networks as shallow Gaussian Processes" by Adrià Garriga-Alonso, Carl Rasmussen and Laurence Aitchison

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

"Deep CNNs as shallow GPs" in Pytorch

Code for "Deep Convolutional Networks as shallow Gaussian Processes" (arXiv, other material), by Adrià Garriga-Alonso, Laurence Aitchison and Carl Edward Rasmussen.

The most extensively used libraries are PyTorch, NumPy and H5Py, check requirements.txt for the rest.

The cnn_gp package

This library allows you to very easily write down neural network architectures, and get the kernels corresponding to their equivalent GPs. We can easily build Sequential architectures. For example, a 3-layer convolutional network with a dense layer at the end is:

from cnn_gp import Sequential, Conv2d, ReLU

model = Sequential(
    Conv2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2),
    Conv2d(kernel_size=14, padding=0),  # equivalent to a dense layer

Optionally call model = model.cuda() to use the GPU.

Then, we can compute the kernel between batches of input images:

import torch
# X and Z have shape [N_images, N_channels, img_width, img_height]
X = torch.randn(2, 3, 28, 28)
Z = torch.randn(2, 3, 28, 28)

Kxx = model(X)
Kxx = model(X, X, same=True)

Kxz = model(X, Z)

# diagonal of Kxx matrix above
Kxx_diag = model(X, diag=True)

We can also instantiate randomly initialized neural networks that have the architecture corresponding to the kernel.

network = model.nn(channels=16, in_channels=3, out_channels=10)
isinstance(network, torch.nn.Module)  # evaluates to True

f_X = network(X)  # evaluates network at X

Calling model.nn will give us an instance of the network above that can do 10-class classification. It accepts inputs that are RGB images (3 channels) of size 28x28. We can then train this neural network as we would any normal Pytorch model.


It is possible to install the cnn_gp package without any of the dependencies that are needed for the experiments. Just run

pip install -e .

from the root directory of this same repository.

Current limitations

Dense layers are not implemented. The way to simulate them is to have a convolutional layer with padding=0, and with kernel_size as large as the activations in the previous layer.

Replicating the experiments

First install the packages in requirements.txt. To run each of the experiments, first take a look at the files exp_mnist_resnet/run.bash or exp_random_nn/run.bash. Edit the configuration variables near the top appropriately. Then, run one of the files from the root of the directory, for example:

bash ./exp_mnist_resnet/run.bash

Experiment 1: classify MNIST

Here are the test errors for the best GPs corresponding to the NN architectures reported in the paper.

Name in paper Config file Validation error Test error
ConvNet GP mnist_paper_convnet_gp 0.71% 1.03%
Residual CNN GP mnist_paper_residual_cnn_gp 0.72% 0.96%
ResNet GP mnist_as_tf 0.68% 0.84%
(click to expand) Architecture for ConvNet GP
var_bias = 7.86
var_weight = 2.79

initial_model = Sequential(
    Conv2d(kernel_size=7, padding="same", var_weight=var_weight * 7**2, var_bias=var_bias),
    Conv2d(kernel_size=7, padding="same", var_weight=var_weight * 7**2, var_bias=var_bias),
    Conv2d(kernel_size=7, padding="same", var_weight=var_weight * 7**2, var_bias=var_bias),
    Conv2d(kernel_size=7, padding="same", var_weight=var_weight * 7**2, var_bias=var_bias),
    Conv2d(kernel_size=7, padding="same", var_weight=var_weight * 7**2, var_bias=var_bias),
    Conv2d(kernel_size=7, padding="same", var_weight=var_weight * 7**2, var_bias=var_bias),
    Conv2d(kernel_size=7, padding="same", var_weight=var_weight * 7**2, var_bias=var_bias),
    ReLU(),  # Total 7 layers before dense

    Conv2d(kernel_size=28, padding=0, var_weight=var_weight, var_bias=var_bias),
(click to expand) Architecture for Residual CNN GP
var_bias = 4.69
var_weight = 7.27
initial_model = Sequential(
            Conv2d(kernel_size=4, padding="same", var_weight=var_weight * 4**2,
        )]) for _ in range(8)),
    Conv2d(kernel_size=4, padding="same", var_weight=var_weight * 4**2,
    Conv2d(kernel_size=28, padding=0, var_weight=var_weight,
(click to expand) Architecture for ResNet GP
initial_model = Sequential(

    # Big resnet block #1
    resnet_block(stride=1, projection_shortcut=True,  multiplier=1),
    resnet_block(stride=1, projection_shortcut=False, multiplier=1),
    resnet_block(stride=1, projection_shortcut=False, multiplier=1),
    resnet_block(stride=1, projection_shortcut=False, multiplier=1),
    resnet_block(stride=1, projection_shortcut=False, multiplier=1),

    # Big resnet block #2
    resnet_block(stride=2, projection_shortcut=True,  multiplier=2),
    resnet_block(stride=1, projection_shortcut=False, multiplier=2),
    resnet_block(stride=1, projection_shortcut=False, multiplier=2),
    resnet_block(stride=1, projection_shortcut=False, multiplier=2),
    resnet_block(stride=1, projection_shortcut=False, multiplier=2),

    # Big resnet block #3
    resnet_block(stride=2, projection_shortcut=True,  multiplier=4),
    resnet_block(stride=1, projection_shortcut=False, multiplier=4),
    resnet_block(stride=1, projection_shortcut=False, multiplier=4),
    resnet_block(stride=1, projection_shortcut=False, multiplier=4),
    resnet_block(stride=1, projection_shortcut=False, multiplier=4),

    # No nonlinearity here, the next Conv2d substitutes the average pooling
    Conv2d(kernel_size=7, padding=0, in_channel_multiplier=4,
    Conv2d(kernel_size=1, padding=0, in_channel_multiplier=4),

Experiment 2: Check that networks converge to a Gaussian process

In the paper, only ResNet-32 GP is presented. This is why an issue when constructing the Residual CNN GP was originally not caught. More details in the relevant subsection.

ResNet-32 GP

Resnet-32 GP

ConvNet GP

Resnet-32 GP

Residual CNN GP

The best randomly-searched ResNet reported in the paper.

In the original paper there is slight issue with how the kernels relate to the underlying networks. The network sums together layers after the ReLU nonlinearity, which are not Gaussian, and also do not have mean 0. However, the kernel is valid and does correspond to a neural network. In particular, if we take an infinite 1x1 convolution, after each relu layer, we convert the output of the ReLU's into a zero-mean Gaussian, with the same kernel, which can be summed. In the interest of making the results replicable, we have replicated this issue as well.

The correct way to use ResNets is to sum things after a Conv2d layer, see for example the resnet_block in cnn_gp/kernels.py.

BibTex citation record

Note: the version in arXiv is slightly newer and contains information about which hyperparameters turned out to be the most effective for each architecture.

  author    = {{Garriga-Alonso}, Adri{\`a} and Aitchison, Laurence and Rasmussen, Carl Edward},
  title     = {Deep Convolutional Networks as shallow {G}aussian Processes},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Learning Representations},
  year      = {2019},
  url       = {https://openreview.net/forum?id=Bklfsi0cKm}}