
Integrate Haxe and its hxcpp target runtime via the Godot 4.x GDExtension into Godot 4.x.

Primary LanguageHaxe


Integrate Haxe and its hxcpp target runtime via the Godot 4.x GDExtension into Godot 4.x.


There always was interest from the Haxe community and I think it would be great it can work with Godot, but somehow it never materialized into anything. - Godot's Project Lead Juan: https://twitter.com/reduzio/status/1548236136551632900

Let's make this work.

This is an early (pre-alpha) Haxe-hxcpp project that builds a dynamic library that can be loaded by Godot 4.x.


The goal is to evolve this project into a full library that allows writing extensions and new nodes in Haxe and eventually allow for cppia-scripting.

Getting started

  1. Check out and build the Godot master(debug+tools) to have a working Godot 4.x Editor.
  2. Then clone this repository and init the godot-headers submodule: git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. Build the library: make debug. This will build a dll into test/demo/bin
  4. Open your Godot4 editor and load the project that's located in test/demo.
  5. The project will load a demo project and in the scene inspector you will find a node called HxExample2 that instantiates the included Haxe-class src/HxExample2.hx and runs an attach script called test.gd



  • Windows: Startup your VisualStudio and setup it up to launch your compile Godot 4.x executable with the test-project defined on the cmdline. <path to godot binary> -e --path <included test project folder> You should be able to step through the code on both sides(godot & hxgodot) and see what's going on.

What's missing

See the https://github.com/dazKind/hxgodot-cpp/issues


You know cpp, Haxe and would love to have a lasting impact when it comes to opensource gamedevelopment?

Then join the effort here!

To get in touch, visit the #haxe discord(https://discord.gg/VR6S5uft), via twitter(https://twitter.com/dazKind) or via michael.bickel[at]gmail.com.