
Yet Another Todolist is a very simple commandline todolist manager

Primary LanguagePython

yat - Yet Another Todolist

Yat is a very simple commandline todolist manager.


Just clone the repository somewhere in your computer. git clone git://github.com/Zilbuz/yat.git

Then if you want, you can load the development branch by doing git checkout dev in the yat folder.

Finally, create a symbolic link to yat in a path directory. For example: ln -s /path/to/yat/yat /usr/local/bin/yat

How to use

Simply type yat help to have the list of all available commands, and yat help <cmd> to get the documentation of the specific .

The most common commands are:

  • yat add "some task"

    Simply add a task to your todolist. It will be added in a default list and default tag. You can specify a priority, a due date, some tags and a list with symbols in the text of your task. See yat help add for a complete list of these symbols.

    You can also add lists or tags with this command. Again, see yat help add for detailed instructions.

  • yat remove "some task" or yat remove id=2

    The first command will remove the task(s) with the name some task, while the second command will remove the task with the id 2. When entering the name of the task, you can use * as a joker for any number of any character, and ? as a joker for one occurence of any character.

  • yat done "some task" or yat done id=2

    This command will mark a task as done. The mean to identify which task to mark is like the "remove" command.

  • yat clean

    Delete all completed tasks.

Configuration file

All the available options for yat are described in the file yatrc.sample provided in the repository. To customize yat, simply create a file named .yatrc in your home and fill it with the options you want to customize, or copy paste the yatrc.sample file and modify the options. If you don't specify an option, the default value will be used.