
A node based SEO linting tool

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


npm version

SEOLint is a linting tool for validating SEO best practices on your web pages. For each URL given, the tool does a server-side and client-side render (using request and puppeteer respectively) and runs the content against a library of SEO rules. Depending on your application, your server and client content can vary dramatically -- while search engines are very competent at crawling dynamic content, there are still some small "gotchas" that SEOLint helps you identify.

Installation & Upgrading

SEOLint requires node version 8.3.0 or greater. We highly recommend nvm for installing node. Once you have node/npm, you can install/upgrade SEOLint globally with the following command:

npm install -g @zillowgroup/seolint@latest


To run SEOLint on a single url:

@zillowgroup/seolint https://www.zillow.com/

To run with a configuration file:

@zillowgroup/seolint --config seolint.config.js

To see the full usage information:

@zillowgroup/seolint --help

SEO Rules

Below are the rules run for every url you give to SEOLint. These are general recommendations that you may want to configure, override, or disable.

H1Tag ("error")

Verifies that the page has one and only one <h1> tag.

TitleTag ("error")

Verifies that the page has a <title> tag with an appropriate length (no more than 60 characters).

MetaDescription ("error")

Verifies that the page has a <meta name="description" content="" /> tag with an appropriate length (between 50-300 characters).

ImageAltAttribute ("error")

Verifies that all <img> tags have an alt text attribute. Decorative images that don't add information to the content of the page should have an empty alt attribute (alt="") so they can be ignored by screen readers.

NoRedirect ("error")

Verifies that the page was not redirected. You can customize the validator to alternatively verify that the page was redirected.

MixedContent ("error")

Verifies that the page has no mixed-content resources.

ConsistentTrailingSlash ("warn")

Verifies that all the links on your page use consistent trailing slashes.

Note: Inconsistent trailing slashes are not necessarily a bad thing on their own, you just have to make sure that your redirects are set up correctly and you are linking to the correct version. Ultimately we want to prevent duplicate content and unnecessary redirects.

  • noSlash (boolean): By default, the rule verifies that all links have a trailing slash. Set this to true to verify that all links do not have a trailing slash.

Canonical ("error")

Verifies that the page has one canonical link with a fully resolved url.

  • expectedPath (string): By default, the rule verifies that the canonical matches the page url. Set this to specify a different expected canonical path.


SEOLint supports JavaScript and JSON configuration files - you can see an example of each in the examples folder.

const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
    // {array} url configurations
    urls: [
        // {string} url with default configuration

        // {object} custom url configuration
            // {string} url
            url: 'https://www.zillow.com/mortgage-rates/',

            // {object} url rule configurations
            rules: {
                TitleTag: {
                    // {number | string} reporting level for this rule
                    level: 'warn',

                    // {object} rule specific options
                    options: {}

    // {string} force all urls to use this hostname
    hostname: 'https://www.zillow.com/',

    // {string} directory of custom rules to include
    rulesdir: path.join(__dirname, 'path/to/my/rules'),

    // {object} global rule configurations
    rules: {
        TitleTag: 'off'

Configuring Rules

You can change the severity of rules by changing the rule level in your configuration. Most rules run with an "error" level by default. If any rule fails at the "error" level, the program will finish with an exit code of 1. Alternatively, you can run rules at the "warn" level which will not trigger an exit code of 1. To turn a rule off completely, set the level to "off".

You can also use numeric levels 2, 1, and 0, for "error", "warn", and "off" respectively.

Global Configuration

To change the level of a rule for all urls, add the configuration at the root of your configuration file:

    rules: {
          TitleTag: "warn",
          Canonical: "off",
          MixedContent: "error"

URL Specific Configuration

You can override global configurations for any given url by adding a rules object to your url configuration:

    urls: [
            url: 'https://www.zillow.com/',
            rules: {
                TitleTag: "warn",
                Canonical: "off",
                MixedContent: "error"

Custom Rules

You can write your own rules and include them when running tests. Custom rules follow the same format as the default rules with a parser and validator function (see the default rules or examples for inspiration). To include your rules, specify rulesdir in your configuration file or --rulesdir on the command line:

@zillowgroup/seolint --rulesdir path/to/my/rules https://www.zillow.com/

Advanced Configuration

In some cases, you will want to override the default behavior of rules in your configuration file. Each rule consists of a parser and a validator function. After SEOLint renders your page, it passes all the render data to the parser function, the result of which is passed to the validator. Both parser and validator are given options as the second parameter.

SEO rules were broken up into separate parsers and validators so that you can tweak validation conditions without having to re-parse the render data. You can override the parser, the validator, or both, but be mindful when changing the parser as it will also change the input to the validator.

parser(data, options)

Below is the structure of parser data:

    // {string} The url of the string being tested
    url: '',

    // {object} Data from the client render
    client: {
        // {string} The HTML content rendered by the client
        content: '',

        // {object} Resource data for each requested resource
        resources: {
            'resource url': {
                // {object} The requestData returned from puppeteer's "request" page event
                request: {},

                // {object} The response returned from puppeteers's "response" page event
                response: {}

    // {object} Data from the server render
    server: {
        // {string} The HTML content rendered by the server
        content: '',

        // {object} The response object from the request API
        response: {}

validator(parsed, options)

Validators are simple functions that take the output of the parser function as input. If the validator runs without throwing an error, the test is successful. If you want the validator to fail, just throw an error. The default validators use the chai assertion library for validating the parsed page data.


parser and validator overrides should go on the rules object alongside the level and options keys. Just like the latter, the overrides can be global or specific to a URL.

Note: If you are using a JavaScript configuration file that has third-party module dependencies (e.g. chai), make sure to install those dependencies at the location of your config file, otherwise seolint will fail. It's a good idea to npm i --save-dev those dependencies if your seolint config file lives alongside your package.json.

const expect = require('chai').expect;
const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
    urls: [{
        url: 'https://www.zillow.com/mortgage-rates/',
        rules: {
            TitleTag: {
                // {function} locally override the default parser
                parser: (url, clientPage, serverPage) => ({ myClientTitle: 'foo', myServerTitle: 'foo' })
    rules: {
        TitleTag: {
            // {function} globally override the default validator
            validator: ({ myClientTitle, myServerTitle }) => { expect(myClientTitle).to.equal(myServerTitle); }

Default Parsing Functions

In the event that you want to override the validator only, the following default values will be passed to your validator:

H1TagParser => { clientH1s, serverH1s }

  • clientH1s (array): Array of h1 text strings found on the client rendering
  • serverH1s (array): Array of h1 text strings found on the server rendering

TitleTagParser => { clientTitle, serverTitle }

  • clientTitle (string): The client rendered title text
  • serverTitle (string): The server rendered title text

MetaDescriptionParser => { clientDescription, serverDescription }

  • clientDescription (string): The client rendered description content
  • serverDescription (string): The server rendered description content

ImageAltAttributeParser => { clientImages, serverImages }

  • clientImages (array): Array of client rendered image objects including a src and alt property
  • serverImages (array): Array of server rendered image objects including a src and alt property

NoRedirectParser => { referer, href }

  • referer (string): The URL of the referring page that initiated the redirect.
  • href (string): The URL of the resulting page after the redirect.

MixedContentParser => { isSecure, insecureResources }

  • isSecure (boolean): Is the requested URL a secure page.
  • insecureResources (array): An array of insecure URLs requested by the page.

ConsistentTrailingSlashParser => { hrefsWithoutSlash, hrefs }

  • hrefsWithoutSlash (array): An array of all hrefs from the same domain that do not have a trailing slash.
  • href (array): An array of all hrefs found on the page.

CanonicalParser => { url, clientCanonicalsHead, clientCanonicalsBody, serverCanonicalsHead, serverCanonicalsBody }

  • url (string): The url of final page (after any redirects).
  • clientCanonicalsHead (array): An array of canonical links in the head of the client.
  • clientCanonicalsBody (array): An array of canonical links in the body of the client.
  • serverCanonicalsHead (array): An array of canonical links in the head of the server.
  • serverCanonicalsBody (array): An array of canonical links in the body of the server.