Cut The Rope like game with a in-game level editor powered by cocos2d-x 2.1.3
- 6bing
- akinLiukuobu
- andycaiDongshan House
- anguskwanshenzhen
- antiwise
- bigstupidxDoodle Mobile Ltd
- codebanglaCodeBANGLA
- coderHscChangSha
- cubewangChina
- dabing1022Tsinghua University
- ductranit
- dungelinVietnam
- dymx101Grab
- GwillXiamen, China
- jimmystar
- joshfeng
- lihei12345Meituan
- losingleChangsha
- lovoror
- mahongquan
- mikowiecUkraine, Kiev
- miyaji27Japan
- mkjiauTaipei, Taiwan
- rtzllBerlin
- ruslanskorb@rsk-lab
- SBeator
- seem-sky
- sir-gonRipley Chile
- sixianzv
- stonestech
- suxinde2009currently @MeetYouDevs,previously @meitu, @Yealink etc
- thecocce
- ttgbWebOS China Ltd
- w1zard
- zcfanTencent Music Entertainment Group
- zephyrsun