Blockchain Demo

Just a code from the tutorial: Learn Blockchains by Building One


  • Python 3.6+
  • pipenv
  • HTTPie
  • Install app dependencies by running: pipenv install

Running Application

  • In order to start the app, run: pipenv run python --port 5000
  • If everything is working fine, you should have a server listening on 5000 port

API Endpoints

Examples provided by calling API using previously mentioned HTTPie tool

Mine a Block

http GET :5000/mine

Creating New Transaction

http POST :5000/transactions/new sender="someone_rich" recipient="happy_receiver" amount=5

View the Chain

http GET :5000/chain

Register Nodes

echo '{"nodes": [""]}' | http POST :5000/nodes/register

Resolve Neighbouring Node Chains

http :5000/nodes/resolve