
Preprocess wordlists before compression

Primary LanguageC

Encode/decode dictionaries before/after compression.

Copyright (c) 2010, Matus Tejiscak <functor.sk@ziman>
Released under the BSD license.

Encode dictionaries in the form that is better compressible by
general-purpose compression algorithms, exploiting their structure.

$ cc -O2 dictpress.c -o dictpress
$ cat dictionary.txt | ./dictpress | bzip2 -9 > dictionary.dp.bz2
$ cat dictionary.dp.bz2 | bunzip2 | ./dictpress -d > dictionary-decompressed.txt

Used best with bzip2 -9. (lzma, gzip and 7z perform worse).

Approximate compression ratios:
My 96-megabyte dictionary compresses to
 -> 24M with dictpress alone
 -> 18M with bzip2
 -> 11M with 7z
 -> 1.4M witch dictpress+7z
 -> 1M with dictpress+bzip2

There's no point in running this on an unsorted dictionary.
Words must not contain binary zeroes.

Algorithm used:
We exploit the fact that consecutive words differ only a little in the suffix.
Therefore, for each word we record a pair (n,s) saying "remove n chars from the
end of the last word and append the string s".

Does not preserve CRs (#13, '\r', ...) in the input.