
A fork of shashankmehta's gitster prompt theme.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A fork of shashankmehta's gitster theme.

What does it show?

  • Red when last command failed, green otherwise.
  • Current working directory, relative to the git root when in a git repo.
  • Current git branch name, or commit short hash when in 'detached HEAD' state.
  • Yellow when in a dirty git working tree, green when in a clean one.

Advanced settings

You can customize how the current working directory is shown with the prompt-pwd module settings.

The git indicators can be customized by changing the following git-info module context formats:

Context name Description Default format
branch Branch name %b
commit Commit short hash %c
clean Clean state %F{green}%{%G✓%}
dirty Dirty state %F{yellow}%{%G✗%}

Use the following command to override a git-info context format:

zstyle ':zim:git-info:<context_name>' format '<new_format>'

For detailed information about these and other git-info settings, check the git-info documentation.

These advanced settings must be overridden after the theme is initialized.


Requires Zim's prompt-pwd module to show the current working directory, and git-info to show git information.