
How to achieve short working directory

Closed this issue · 9 comments

As the title. I want to apply short working directory to gitster

Like from this: ~/Documents/GitHub
To this: ~/D/GitHub
And apply it to my gitster theme

Hi @KiteAB, this is the code that shortens the pwd:

  local current_dir=${PWD/#${HOME}/~}"
  if [[ ${current_dir} != '~' ]]; then

The longest line is doing most of the work:

  1. /${current_dir:t}: keep the tail directory (last directory in the path)
  2. ${(@s:/:)current_dir:h}: split the remaining directories into an array
  3. ${(@j:/:M)...#?}: join the first letter of the array elements
  4. ${...%/}: remove extra slash in case we're in the root directory

You can apply the same code to your custom prompt. If you want to use that with gitster, it will look like:

  local git_root current_dir
  if git_root=$(command git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null); then
  if [[ ${current_dir} != '~' ]]; then
  print -n "%F{white}${current_dir}"

It's working! But there are still some small problems:
In git repositories, It's look's not nice.

After short working directory:
Before short working directory:

Pleasse remember me @ericbn

@KiteAB, it's been only 14 hours since your reply, and now you sound demanding. It's not fair to address me or any other person who puts their free time in trying to build a great piece of software, in this manner.

@KiteAB, it's been only 14 hours since your reply, and now you sound demanding. It's not fair to address me or any other person who puts their free time in trying to build a great piece of software, in this manner.

Oh, sorry. Sorry to bother you, my problem has been basically solved, thank you

@KiteAB, you might want to use this with gitster. It will keep the git root directory unshortened too, which I think goes well with the spirit of this prompt:

  local git_root current_dir
  if git_root=$(command git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null); then
  local -r dirs=("${(@s:/:)current_dir}")
  if (( ${#dirs} > 2 )); then
  print -n "%F{white}${current_dir}"

I am surprised that you can give the final answer, thank you very much!