
Example of a card that I have modified to be used with the Video Storm irusb module and Home Assistant to control Android TV devices more reliably


Example of a card that I have modified to be used with the Video Storm irusb module and Home Assistant to control Android TV devices more reliably

I managed to do a 'quick and dirty' integration with this, and while setting it up is slightly cumbersome it actually works well. Essentially gives you the instantaneous responsiveness you expect from a remote control. I was very dissatisfied with the adb control, even after setting up the /sendevent commands it was still not good. It is essentially a one-way local push mechanism. It is co-dependent on the androidtv (adb) integration being setup to interact with it as a media_player entity. ⠀ Pre-requisites:

  • androidtv integration already setup and in home assistant
  • IRusb and companion app setup/installed on Nvidia Shield (should work on other ATV devices, but not tested)
  • Custom Cards (if using remote card as well):
    • mini-media-player
    • button-card

Configuration: ⠀

In /config/configuration.yaml

# TCP Android Control
shell_command: !include shellcmd.yaml

⠀ Grab/use the shellcmd.yaml in this repository and modify accordingly ⠀ Save, reboot config. After reboot under Developer Tools you should now be able to issue the shell commands


Test and confirm working with your shield. ⠀

The irusb-remote-card.yaml within is an example of how this can be used with a remote card in Home Assistant