
Blackjack game server side. RESTfull webservise: Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, Jetty, PostgreSQL

Primary LanguageJava



= Spring MVC = Spring Data JPA = Hibernate = PostgreSQL = Jetty

Testing: = Spring Test = JUnit = H2 in memory database

To start the application you need:

PostgreSQL database 'blackjack' with schema 'blackjack'. Owner of database must be 'postgres', password: 'root'. For creating database you can use script 'createDatabase.sql' and 'createSchema.sql', which placed in src/main/resources/sql.

After that you can just run main class 'com.andrew.safronov.sintez.theblackjack.webserver.Main' , and jetty startup application at localhost:8084. Database tables would be created automatically.