Basic idea for the server is from this dailyprogrammer post. The project is in education form only, most likely project will not ever see release. Educational value is mostly for design patterns and knowing how the internals of a webserver work (custom implementation - no looking at the sources).
- Load files from disk.
- ANY exception handling.
- HTTP logger
- Template engine
- Configuration: List directory
- Listing directories
- Error pages
- Server header
- Support for content-length
- GET should load static files
- Different mime types
- Add support for other HTTP verbs
- Default error pages
- 404
- 403
- 500
- Other
- Configuration: Customizable error pages
- Tests
- Proxy mod
- Reverse proxy
- Authentication (Access Management System FSAM - Frostig Security Access Manager)
- User DB
- Auth page
- Endpoint for application
- User management page