This dual-licensed library provides a set of classes that complement C++ and boost with functionality needed by many applications.
The library is free to use under LGPLv2 license for non-commercial projects, and has a commercial open source licence for commercial use (contact the author for commercial licensing details).
The components include:
- Custom allocators
- Atomic functions
- Bitmap mask with fast iteration
- BOOST wait_timeout, repeating timer
- Buffer for I/O handling
- Concurrent array/fifo/priority_queue/stack/hashmap
- Fast delegates
- Type conversion routines
- Endian-handling
- Exception error classes with dynamic number of arguments
- Hashmap abstraction
- UDP receiver
- Logging framework
- Ultra-low latency async logger
- Math functions
- Metaprogramming functions
- Persistent blob and array
- Futex signaling
- PCAP format reader/writer
- Throttling components
- PID file manager
- Variant / variant tree components
- Exceptions with error source location
- Reflectable enums
- Configuration framework with option validation (SCON configuration format support)
$ git clone
To customize location of BOOST or installation prefix, create a file called
. Alternatively if you are doing multi-host build with
identical configuration, create a file call .cmake-args
. E.g.:
There are three sets of variables present in this file:
Build and install locations.
- Build directoryDIR:INSTALL=...
- Install directory
They may contain macros:
- name of current project (from CMakeList.txt)@VERSION@
- project version number (from CMakeList.txt)@BUILD@
- build type (from command line)${...}
- environment variable
- Environment var set before running cmake -
- Variable passed to cmake with -D prefix
$ cat > .cmake-args.${HOSTNAME}
$ make bootstrap [toolchain=gcc|clang] [build=Debug|Release] \
[generator=make|ninja] [prefix=/usr/local] [verbose=true]
$ make [verbose=true]
$ make install # Default install path is /usr/local
After running make bootstrap
two local links are created build
and inst
pointing to build and installation directories.
If you need to do a full cleanup of the current build and rerun bootstrap with previously chosen options, do:
$ make distclean
$ make rebootstrap [toolchain=gcc|clang] [build=Debug|Release]
Note that the rebootstrap
command remembers previous bootstrap options, but
if you give it arguments they will override the old ones.
The following news group was set up for commit notifications:
github-utxx at googlegroups dot com
Structure your commit message like this:
One line summary (less than 50 characters) Longer description (wrap at 72 characters)
- Less than 50 characters
- What was changed
- Imperative present tense (fix, add, change)
Fix bug 123
Add 'foobar' command
Change default timeout to 123
- No period
- Wrap at 72 characters
- Why, explain intention and implementation approach
- Present tense (fix, add, change)
- Break up logical changes
- Make whitespace changes separately
- Wrap at 80 characters (not counting '\n')
- Use 4-space indentation
- Expand tabs with spaces in indentations (for vi use settings:
) - Place
"// vim:ts=4:sw=4:et"
at the beginning of each file - Use K&R braces style:
if (...) {
} else {
- Serge Aleynikov
<saleyn at gmail dot com>
- (see for a list of contributors)
- Non-commercial: GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1
- Commercial: (contact the author for details)