
There are several exploratory data analysis (EDA) analyzes in this file. More data analytics and business approached than machine learning.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Analysis projects Python

What is this repository about?

When I do some works, I would love to share with people and exchange the knowledges, in this case, we can learn from each other and help each other to improve the coding skills. I put some analytic projects that I have done by using Python in this file, I will love to see how people put their opinion on it and also you can feel free to take some of my codes as the reference in your works.

What projects are in this repository?

  • Data Wrangling

WeRateDog tweets analysis

I used 3 datasets from Twitter related to the account Weratedog to complete this project. The main goal for this project is to practice how to wrangle the massive complex dataset by Gathering data, Accessing data, Cleaning data, Analyzing data, Visualizing data. Also you can see some very interesting findings in the end of my analysis.

  • Movie Data Analysis

IMDB movie review score

This project is very close to our real life, I used the dataset from IMDB movie, try to see the historical data. Bring in these questions in my analsysis: Which genres are most popular from year to year? What kinds of properties are associated with movies that have high revenues? Does higher budget films receive higher revenue? Or does the higher voted score films have the higher revenue?

  • Mobile Data Analysis

Car app company

There is one data with shape of (23111,28) with a lot of information. What I want to demostrate is how to analyze this kind of data, how should you start to approach the problems, from business side also from techinical side. There are 13 business questions came out from my mind and I need to solve them supporting by the data. Then at end, I will give business recommendations for this company to help them improve their strategy and business.

What you can do with my projects?

You can feel free to comment on my projects, find the bugs or tell me what your thoughts about my coding, analysis and insight. You can contact with me through my email: saizhang123@gmail.com. I will love to hear your ideas. You can also take some codes away if you think some of them can be useful for your projects.

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