
Documentations for setting up i24 video wall


Documentation for all setups related to the i24 video wall.

Table of Contents

Hardware setup

  1. Setting up NVIDIA X server

Visualization setup

  1. Setting up Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana (ELK)
  2. Setting up Camera Streaming
  3. Running Elasticsearch–Logstash-Kibana (ELK)

Setting up NVIDIA X server

This documents the steps required to set up the 9 monitors to display as one desktop (also known as an X server).

References required for this step: NVIDIA Quadro Sync II Manual and NVIDIA Mosaic Manual

  1. Install Windows

  2. Install NVIDIA RTX Enterprise Driver (https://nvidia.com/drivers)

    Nvidia Driver

  3. Connect Monitors:

    If all 9 monitors are not displaying windows screen, then proceed to NVIDIA Control Panel > 3D Settings > Set SLI and PhysX Configuration > SLI Configuration (Activate all displays) > Apply

  4. Setup Mosaic:

    Create a single desktop from multiple displays and GPUs by going to NVIDIA Control Panel > Set up Mosaic

    Select Toplogy
    Number of displays 9
    Topology 3x3
    Orientation landscape
    GPU Topology maximum
    Select Displays
    Displays check all
    Refresh Rate 60Hz
    Resolution per display 1920 x 1080
    Arrange Displays
    Drag and drop displays until the topology matches
    Setup bezel correction
    If necessary

Setting up Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana (ELK)

This documents the steps required to set up the ELK pipeline using Docker. After configuring the elk stack, running the docker instance will start logstash, which processes the logs and store them in elasticsearch. Finally, Kibana is used to visualize the data as a dashboard.

References required for this step: Docker-ELK Github Readme

Visualization for Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana

  1. Install Docker Desktop for Windows

  2. Create a python virtual env

    python3 -v venv venv

  3. Activate the python environment


  4. Install dependencies

    pip install python-logstash-async

  5. Clone docker-elk, which allows us to run the Elastic stack on Docker.

  6. Configure \docker-elk\logstash\pipeline\logstash.conf file to process json, filter out hosts, and specify its input source and output destination:

    input {
        tcp {
            port => 5000
            codec => json
    ## Add your filters / logstash plugins configuration here
    output {
        elasticsearch {
            hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"
            user => "logstash_internal"
            password => "${LOGSTASH_INTERNAL_PASSWORD}"
    filter {
        mutate {
            remove_field => [ "host" ]
  7. Enter docker-compose up in commmand prompt to run the Docker instance

  8. Visit localhost:5601 to open Kibana.

Setting up Camera Streaming

This documents the steps required to stream the camera feed on VLC app with RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol). It is necessary to have the ip address of the camera and a user account username and password to access the stream.

References required for this step: RTSP Command

  1. Install VLC on Windows
  2. Go to File > Open Network Stream option
  3. Enter the command rtsp://<username>:<password>@<camera-ip-address>/axis-media/media.amp

Running Elasticsearch–Logstash-Kibana (ELK)

Step-by-step on how to run ELK instance. This assumes that ELK has already been set up.

  1. Open command prompt and cd into elk-stack folder.
  2. Activate the virtual environment .\venv\Scripts\activate
  3. cd into docker-elk folder
  4. Type docker-compose up to start the docker instance
  5. Visit localhost:5601 to open Kibana.
  6. Enter username and password to login.