
This script responds to an 'hours' request via gmail using the toggl api

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a Google Apps Script that's designed to work within your Google Drive without deploying as an add-on or web app.
It automatically responds to your client/employer's hours request with a CSV containing your toggl tasks and the total time for the requested date range.

Change Log

  • 5/23/15 - Fixed rounding issue in millisecondsToHMS that caused 00:00:60 to not transform to 00:01:00
  • 5/12/15 - Added option (SHOW_TOTALS_PER_PROJECT) to show total hours per project

How It Works

  1. Your client/employer sends you an email with the subject containing the specified keyword (default: 'hours') and a date range in the format 'Month dd' or 'Mon dd'. Single digits ('d') are also acceptable.
  2. Valid: Hours for March 23 to April 5, jan 10 february 1 hours
  3. Invalid: March 23 to April 5, Hours January 10
  4. The script runs on a time-driven trigger set in the Google Apps Script editor, its the button with the chat bubble clock thing
  5. The script parses the subjects of unread emails to find a thread the specified keyword, a date range, and without a HRespProcessed tag.
  6. The script then fetches a detailed breakdown of tasks within the date range from toggl
  7. Data is then converted to CSV and sent to your client/employer as an attachment
  8. Finally the email thread is marked HRespProcessed


To use this script certian variables must be set within the script. Most are already set.

  • required

  • optional



Your API_TOKEN can be found by going to the toggl app, clicking My Profile under your name at the top right hand corner, and its on the bottom of the page.


Your WORKSPACE_ID can be found by going to any one of the reports for your desired workspace. The Id can be found in the address bar as a series of numbers.


In this case WORKSPACE_ID = '123456'


KEYWORD is not case-sensitive. It can be almost anything; a word or a phrase.


CLIENT_IDS can be obtained by applying a client filter to a report. The URL will look somthing like:


Thus CLIENT_IDS = '98765432'

More clients can be added by adding a comma like so WITHOUT A SPACE:

CLIENT_IDS = '98765432,36273283'


CSV_HEADERS is exactly the same as the first row of a CSV file, its the headers delimited by a comma. They can be named anything.

Important!: The last two columns will always be ,,Total Duration. If these are removed there won't be any problems. However the generated CSV file will have a timestamp in an unlabeled column on the first data row


The message to send with the CSV attachment


ENTRY_TO_CSV isn't as straight forward as the rest of the variables.

  • It is a dictionary where the keys are keys for toggl's raw data found here, LINK.
  • The values of the dictionary are functions used to modify the raw data from toggl. I've defined some already to use.
  • For example, in the link above the data 'dur' is given in milliseconds and the function millisecondsToHMS converts that to a string in the format HH:MM:SS for use in the CSV. Thus ENTRY_TO_CSV is:
  'res': millisecondsToHMS
  • ENTRY_TO_CSV matches up to CSV_HEADERS. Total Duration is automatically appended using millisecondsToHMS. For example, if CSV_HEADERS = 'Start,Description,Duration,,Total Duration' then in order and following the toggl data keys
  'start': dateToString,
  'description: doNothing,
  'dur': millisecondsToHMS


set to true to show total hours per project