
A framework for hydrodynamics explorations and prototyping

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

License pylint flake8 pytest-all

github pages


JOSS status DOI

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A simple python-based tutorial on computational methods for hydrodynamics

pyro is a computational hydrodynamics code that presents two-dimensional solvers for advection, compressible hydrodynamics, diffusion, incompressible hydrodynamics, and multigrid, all in a finite-volume framework. The code is mainly written in python and is designed with simplicity in mind. The algorithms are written to encourage experimentation and allow for self-learning of these code methods.

The latest version of pyro is always available at:


The project webpage, where you'll find documentation, plots, notes, etc. is here:


(Note: there is an outdated page at readthedocs.org that is no longer updated)

Table of Contents

Getting started

  • By default, we assume python 3.8 or later.

  • We require numpy, numba, matplotlib, and h5py for running pyro and setuptools_scm for the install.

  • There are several ways to install pyro. The simplest way is via PyPI/pip:

    pip install pyro-hydro

    Alternately, you can install directly from source, via

    python setup.py install --user

    or you can use `develop` instead of `install` if you are
    planning on developing pyro solvers directly.

  - Not all matplotlib backends allow for the interactive plotting as
    pyro is run. One that does is the TkAgg backend. This can be made
    the default by creating a file `~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc` with
    the content:

       `backend: TkAgg`

    You can check what backend is your current default in python via:

      import matplotlib.pyplot
      print matplotlib.pyplot.get_backend()

 - If you want to run the unit tests, you need to have `pytest` installed.

 - Finally, you can run a quick test of the advection solver:

./pyro-sim.py advection smooth inputs.smooth

you should see a graphing window pop up with a smooth pulse
advecting diagonally through the periodic domain.

## Core Data Structures

The main data structures that describe the grid and the data the lives
on the grid are described in a jupyter notebook:


Many of the methods here rely on multigrid.  The multigrid solver is
demonstrated in the juputer notebook:


## Solvers

pyro provides the following solvers (all in 2-d):

- `advection`: a second-order unsplit linear advection solver.  This
 uses characteristic tracing and corner coupling for the prediction
 of the interface states.  This is the basic method to understand

- `advection_fv4`: a fourth-order accurate finite-volume advection
 solver that uses RK4 time integration.

- `advection_nonuniform`: a solver for advection with a non-uniform velocity field.

- `advection_rk`: a second-order unsplit solver for linear advection
 that uses Runge-Kutta integration instead of characteristic

- `advection_weno`: a method-of-lines WENO solver for linear

- `compressible`: a second-order unsplit solver for the Euler
 equations of compressible hydrodynamics.  This uses characteristic
 tracing and corner coupling for the prediction of the interface
 states and a 2-shock or HLLC approximate Riemann solver.

- `compressible_fv4`: a fourth-order accurate finite-volume compressible
  hydro solver that uses RK4 time integration.  This is built from the
  method of McCourquodale and Colella (2011).

- `compressible_rk`: a second-order unsplit solver for Euler
  equations that uses Runge-Kutta integration instead of
  characteristic tracing.

- `compressible_sdc`: a fourth-order compressible solver,
  using spectral-deferred correction (SDC) for the time integration.

- `diffusion`: a Crank-Nicolson time-discretized solver for the
 constant-coefficient diffusion equation.

- `incompressible`: a second-order cell-centered approximate
 projection method for the incompressible equations of

- `lm_atm`: a solver for the equations of low Mach number
 hydrodynamics for atmospheric flows.

- `lm_combustion`: (in development) a solver for the equations of
 low Mach number hydrodynamics for smallscale combustion.

- `multigrid`: a cell-centered multigrid solver for a
 constant-coefficient Helmholtz equation, as well as a
 variable-coefficient Poisson equation (which inherits from the
 constant-coefficient solver).

- `particles`: a solver for Lagrangian tracer particles.

- `swe`: a solver for the shallow water equations.

## Working with data

In addition to the main pyro program, there are many analysis tools
that we describe here. Note: some problems write a report at the end
of the simulation specifying the analysis routines that can be used
with their data.

- `compare.py`: this takes two simulation output files as input and
 compares zone-by-zone for exact agreement. This is used as part of
 the regression testing.

   usage: `./compare.py file1 file2`

- `plot.py`: this takes the an output file as input and plots the
 data using the solver's dovis method.

   usage: `./plot.py file`

- `analysis/`

   * `dam_compare.py`: this takes an output file from the
     shallow water dam break problem and plots a slice through the domain
     together with the analytic solution (calculated in the script).

      usage: `./dam_compare.py file`

   * `gauss_diffusion_compare.py`: this is for the diffusion solver's
     Gaussian diffusion problem. It takes a sequence of output
     files as arguments, computes the angle-average, and the plots
     the resulting points over the analytic solution for comparison
     with the exact result.

       usage: `./gauss_diffusion_compare.py file*`

   * `incomp_converge_error.py`: this is for the incompressible
     solver's converge problem. This takes a single output file as
     input and compares the velocity field to the analytic
     solution, reporting the L2 norm of the error.

       usage: `./incomp_converge_error.py file`

   * `plotvar.py`: this takes a single output file and a variable
     name and plots the data for that variable.

       usage: `./plotvar.py file variable`

   * `sedov_compare.py`: this takes an output file from the
     compressible Sedov problem, computes the angle-average profile
     of the solution and plots it together with the analytic data
     (read in from `cylindrical-sedov.out`).

       usage: `./sedov_compare.py file`

   * `smooth_error.py`: this takes an output file from the advection
     solver's smooth problem and compares to the analytic solution,
     outputting the L2 norm of the error.

       usage: `./smooth_error.py file`

   * `sod_compare.py`: this takes an output file from the
     compressible Sod problem and plots a slice through the domain
     over the analytic solution (read in from `sod-exact.out`).

       usage: `./sod_compare.py file`

## Understanding the algorithms

There is a set of notes that describe the background and details of the
algorithms that pyro implements:


The source for these notes is also available on github:


## Regression and unit testing

The `test.py` script will run several of the problems (as well as some
stand-alone multigrid tests) and compare the solution to stored
benchmarks (in each solver's `tests/` subdirectory).  The return value
of the script is the number of tests that failed.

Unit tests are controlled by pytest and can be run simply via

pytest .

## Acknowledgements

If you use pyro in a class or workshop, please e-mail us to let us know
(we'd like to start listing these on the website).

If pyro was used for a publication, please cite the article found in
the `CITATION` file.

## Getting help

We use github discussions as a way to ask about the code:
