RateMe is a powerful system to get rates from users in Android applications.

RateMe takes cares to show pretty dialogs to collect rates from users so you don't have to. One thing you do is to define some rules and send events to RateMe library. RateMe watch the events you define and show the a pretty dialog to users on correct time.

Table of Contents

  1. Gradle Dependency
  2. Quick Start
    1. Initialize RateMe
    2. How events are sent to RateMe
  3. How button works
    1. Rate Us
    2. Remind Me Later
    3. Don't Ask Again
  4. Arranging delay time
  5. Callbacks
  6. Custom Views
  7. Custom Buttons
  8. Changing colors and texts
    1. colors.xml
    2. strings.xml
  9. Adding Multiple Conditions
    1. Adding one by one
    2. Adding all as Collection
    3. How multiple conditions work


The minimum API level supported by this library is API 15. Add the dependency to your build.gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.zingat:rateme:1.3.0'

Quick start

Initialize RateMe in your Application class

   class App : Application() {
       override fun onCreate() {
                   // `addCondition(conditionName,repeatTime)`
                   .addCondition("touch_me_event", 3)

Now we are telling to RateMe that you can show a dialog when 3 times touch_me_event is sent.

How touch_me_event is sent to RateMe.


The event can be sent for each statement. For example when a user opens the app 4 times you can send app_opened event or user can like a product in your app 2 times you can send product_liked event. For all statements you can send event seperately.

The default appearance is like picture below.

When dialog shown on screen, user have to choose one of these options to close the window. To touch background and back button don't close the window.

How Buttons works

Rate Us

RateMe library detects your applicationId(for example com.zingat.rateme) and When user clicks the Rate Us button, your app's Google Play page opens automaticly and user can rate your app easily.

Remind Me Later

When user clicks the Remind Me Later button, the dialog disappears until the days finished you defined in initialization code. reminderDuration(day:Int) is used define the necessary time. The parameter is given in days.

Don't Ask Again

When user clicks the Don't Ask Again button, the dialog disappears and never appear again.

Arranging delay time

RateMe supports to arrange the delay time delay(time : Long) indicates the time to display dialog after all events completed. Default value is 0.

                       .addCondition("touch_me_event", 3)


To know when the user selects an action button, you set callbacks:

                 .addCondition("touch_me_event", 3)
                 .onRateCallback( object : RMEventCallback{
                     override fun onEvent() {
                         // TODO
                 .onDontAskCallback(object : RMEventCallback{
                     override fun onEvent() {
                         // TODO
                 .onRemindLaterCallback(object : RMEventCallback{
                     override fun onEvent() {
                         // TODO
                 .onShowCallback(object : RMEventCallback{
                     override fun onEvent() {
                         // TODO
                 .onRMCallback(object : RMCallback{
                     override fun onEvent(eventName: String, count: Int, which: Int) {
                         // TODO

If you are listening for all three action buttons, you could just use onRMCallback().

  • eventName (String) parameter tells completed event name. In our case this is touch_me_event
  • count (Int) parameter tells completed event count value. In our case this is 3. The count value is defined by developer in addCondition() method.
  • which (Int) parameter tells which action is happening. Each number indicates different state.
    • STARTED = -1
    • POSITIVE = 0
    • NEUTRAL = 1
    • NEGATIVE = 2

Custom Views

Custom views are very easy to implement.

                    .addCondition("touch_me_event", 3)

After custom view is added appearance is like picture below.

When custom() method is used, default title and content disappears. Only the you layout file will display on screen.

It is recommended not to use buttons and different type views in custom layout. Because you can not provide callbacks for buttons.

Custom Buttons

You can use customButton() and customButtonReverse() methods to provide pretty much colored buttons.

                 .addCondition("touch_me_event", 3)

customButton() and customButtonReverse() methods shouldn't be used together. They have different type interfaces.

After custombutton() is added appearance is like picture below.

You can use the customButtonReverse() method with same way.

Changing colors, and texts

You can change all values by creating new color items with same name in your applications.


    <!--Default background color for all buttons. It is active when customButton() is used.-->
    <color name="rm_defaultButtonBackground">#fff</color>
    <!--Default text color for buttons. It is become active when customButtonReverse() is used.-->
    <color name="rm_defaultTextColor">#fff</color>

    <!--Text, Border and Background color for Rate Us Button-->
    <color name="rm_BtnRateTextColor">#02a8fe</color>

    <!--Text, Border and Background color for Remind Me Later Button-->
    <color name="rm_BtnLaterTextColor">#4bca5e</color>
    <!--Text, Border and Background color for Don't Ask Again Button-->
    <color name="rm_BtnNeverTextColor">#ff6175</color>


    <!--Default text for Rate Us button-->
    <string name="rateme_btn_rate_text">Rate us</string>

    <!--Default text for Remind Me Later button-->
    <string name="rateme_btn_later_text">Remind Me Later</string>

    <!--Default text for Don't Ask again button-->
    <string name="rateme_btn_never_text">Don\'t ask again</string>
    <!--Default dialog title. It is deactive when custom() method is used!-->
    <string name="rateme_dialog_title">How was your experience?</string>
    <!--Default dialog context. It is deactive when custom() method is used!-->
    <string name="rateme_dialog_message">Recommend us to others by rating us on Play Store</string>


Adding Multiple Conditions

There are two different easy way to add multiple conditions to RateMe library.

Adding one by one

You can add on by one all condition. You can add event how much you want with this way.

                   // `addCondition(conditionName,repeatTime)`
                   .addCondition("touch_me_event", 3)
                   .addCondition("slide_me_event", 2)
                   .addCondition("rotate_me_event", 4)

Adding all as Collection

Every condition represents with Condition object. Condition object has two variables. count and type.

You can create own Condition object and you can add this Condition object in a ArrayList. Finally you can use setConditionList( conditionList : ArrayList<Condition> ) method.

    package com.zingat.rateme.model

    val conditionList = ArrayList<Condition>
    conditionList.add( Condition( 3, "touch_me_event" ) )
    conditionList.add( Condition( 2, "slide_me_event" ) )
    conditionList.add( Condition( 4, "rotate_me_event" ) )

How multiple conditions work

When multiple events are added, RateMe shows dialog when one of conditions are completed and even other events completed, RateMe won't show a new dialog to user.

For exameple; if slide_me_event condition is completed , RateMe will show a new dialog and if user click Rate Us or Don't show again buttons, even user complete the touch_me_event new dialog won't show. RateMe waits always the first completed condition rules. In this way user won't be disturbed multiple times.