Zingat's Automated House Valuation Challenge

General Information on the Project

Founded in 2015, Zingat operates as an intermediary between potential buyers and real estate offices. It serves as an online marketplace where real estate offices show their inventory and help potential buyers to make the right decision. To help both parties, Zingat considers providing right and accurate information about all aspects of real estate market as the main priority. In this regard, evaluating the value of real estates is crucial. Using statistical models, we estimate the value of real estates in our website for any interested parties. We collect relevant information from the users and provide them accurate information about their estates. For this purpose, we regularly build new and better models using new technologies in the field of data science. In order to challenge our models, now we invite you to build a better model. :) The best model will be determined by the performance and economical reasoning of the model.

Information about the Dataset

The dataset contains information on 225738 listings from Zingat.com. As all real datasets, the data is not clean and not ready to model. You may need to clean, remove, aggregate, or group some observations or variables. You may need to create new variables or using your economic intuition (because valuation is an economic concept after all), you can make assumptions or transformations about the data. As long as the assumptions or transformations are rational, they are valid.

Column Name Descriptions Notes
Type Type of property Konut = Housing
sub_type sub group of Property Type Daire = Flat
start_date the date when listing is started to be active on market
end_date the date when listing is not active on market anymore
listing_type Type of listing Satılık = Sale, Kiralık = Rent
building_age Building age “arası” means between
total_floor_count Count of total floors in the building
room_count Count of rooms in the flat for example 2+1 represents room count + livingroom count
Size House size m2
student_avaliable Availability for students Evet = Yes,Hayır = No
mortgage_avaliable Availability for mortgage Evet = Yes·,Hayır = No
address The address of the housing city/county/district
furnished Whether the house is furnished Eşyalı = Furnished, Eşyasız = Unfurnished, Sadece Beyaz Eşya = only white appliances, Sadece Mutfak = only kitchen
currency House price currency
floor_no The floor number information of the given listing Yüksek giriş = 1st floor, Giriş kat, Kot1, Zemin kat = ground floor, Çatı Katı = penthouse apartment, Bahçe katı = garden floor flat
Price House price
heating_type Different types of heating systems Kalorifer (Doğalgaz) = central heating/natural gas, Kalorifer (Kömür) = central heating/coal, Kombi (Elektrikli) = combi boiler, Klima = air-conditioning, Kombi (Doğalgaz) = gas-combi boiler, Merkezi Sistem = central heating, Merkezi Sistem (Isı Payı Ölçer) =central heating, Yerden Isıtma = floor heating, Soba (Kömür) = heating stove/coal, Soba (Doğalgaz) = heating stove/natural gas, Güneş Enerjisi = solar energy, Jeotermal = geothermal energy, Fancoil = a type of air conditioner, Kat Kaloriferi = central heating, Kalorifer (Akaryakıt) = central heating/fuel oil, Yok = None


For any inquiries please contact with ozan.senturk-at-zingat.com