请保持、、、 这四个文件尽量简洁。不要在这些文件里实现具体算法。在其他地方实现,在这些文件中 import 后调用。比如, 是对聚类结果提取事件信息,目前实现了一个 ToyExtractor, 其具体实现在 Extractor 文件夹下, 只是调用该文件。
目前有两个表结构:原始新闻表(news) 存储原始新闻信息,事件信息表(event)存储聚类分析后的事件信息。
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
news_id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | auto_increment | |
source | varchar(1000) | YES | |||
author | varchar(1000) | YES | |||
title | varchar(1000) | YES | |||
queryKeyWord | varchar(100) | YES | |||
description | varchar(2000) | YES | |||
url | varchar(1000) | YES | |||
urlToImage | varchar(1000) | YES | |||
publishedAt | datetime | YES | |||
content | text | YES |
字段 | 说明 | 示例 |
news_id | 106511 | |
source | The identifier display name for the source this article came from |
"The New York Times" |
author | The author of the article | "Michael Levenson" |
title | The headline or title of the article | |
queryKeyWord | Keywords or phrases to search for in the article title and body |
"Donald Trump" |
description | A description or snippet from the article | |
url | The direct URL to the article | |
urlToImage | The URL to a relevant image for the article | |
publishedAt | The date and time the article was published | 2019-12-17 11:26:36 |
content | The unformatted content of the article. This is truncated to 260 chars for Developer plan users |
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
label | varchar(20) | NO | PRI | ||
newsid | varchar(2000) | NO | |||
title | varchar(1000) | YES | |||
keyWord | varchar(100) | YES | |||
time | datetime | YES | |||
abstract | varchar(2000) | YES | |||
content | text | YES |
字段 | 说明 | 示例 |
label | 簇标记/事件id | |
newsid | 该事件包含的news_id,用空格分隔 | "106511 106522" |
title | 事件标题 | |
keyWord | 事件关键字,多个关键字用 | 分隔 | “ keyword1 | keyword2" |
time | 事件发生时间 | 2019-12-17 11:26:36 |
abstract | 事件摘要 | |
content | 事件详细描述 |