
Project Repository for CS527, Modern Database Systems

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Project Repository for CS527, Modern Database Systems

Author: Matt Zinke mzinke@eagles.ewu.net
Author: Raymond Swannack


A stream reader for Twitters sample and filter streams.

This sofwtare will connect to Twitter's streaming API endpoint and recieve, record, and categorize tweet data.


  • Node.js v8.x
  • MySQL 5.7

Requires oauth and mysql npm modules. Navigate to the repo root directory and enter the following commands:

  • $ npm install oauth
  • $ npm install mysql

First Time Setup

Run mysql and Create a MySQL User Ex:

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'cs527'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'megaman4';

To initialize the DB, Navigate to repo root directory and type:

$ cd bin
$ ./init_mysql.sh

Populate myconfig with Twitter credentials:

First you will need to create Twitter app credentials here: https://apps.twitter.com/

Once you have created an access token and consumer key, enter them into myconfig

From repo root:

cd lib
cp myconfig.example myconfig

Open myconfig in a text editor, populate this object with auth values for the Twitter app.


Navigate to the repo root directory and type:

node .

This will start the twitter stream reader as well as the server for the HTML UI. The default port is 8000. If run locally, connect to the server via http://localhost:8000/