Lightweight docker monitoring tool build on Rack
Lightweight tool dynamically shows the stats of your running conainers:
No complex dependencies needed. The tool is built upon a docker client and a rack web server;
Easy to install and to use. Can be launched in both: on-host and containerized mode.
Base HTTP Auth available. The credentials can be configured via environment variables.
Dependencies: ruby, docker
git clone monidock
cd monidock
gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec rake start # `stop` and `status` commands are also available
Always remember to change username and password when running in production.
The values can be configured via environment vairables:
for username (the default value ismonit
); -
for password (the default value issecret
Dependencies: docker
git clone monidock
cd monidock
docker build -t monidock .
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --privileged --rm -d \
-p 9292:9292 \
-e MON_NAME="monit" \
-e MON_PASSWORD="12345678" \
--name monitor docker-monit