
A streamlit app to analyse the whatsapp chats with sentiment analysis deployed using heroku coded in python.

Primary LanguagePython

Website link



Ever wondered who is the most busiest person in your whatsapp group or who is the most positive or negative person . Here is the data analysis web app based on SentimentIntensityAnalyzer class from "nltk.sentiment.vader" module .

The following results can be analysed:

  • Top statistics with total messeges,words,links and media shared.
  • Most busy user with percentage.
  • Wordcloud
  • Most common words
  • Emoji analysis
  • Monthly and daily timeline.
  • Activity heat map.
  • Day and monthwise sentiment bar plots.
  • User-wise sentiment display.


  • streamlit
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • nltk
  • collection
  • wordcloud
  • urlextract
  • emoji

How to find chat data from Whatsapp:

  1. open whatsapp group
  2. tap right-uper corner and goto more option
  3. tap on "Export Chat"
  4. tap on "Without Media"
  5. finally you will get .txt file well done.