- 0
Add new module providing HTTP client based on `aws-crt` as an alternative to `zio-aws-netty`, `zio-aws-akka-http` and `zio-aws-http4s`
#1389 opened by guizmaii - 2
Docs Publish Job is Missing on CI
#1144 opened by khajavi - 0
SPDX error - APL2 -> Apache-2.0
#1271 opened by hyandell - 2
SDK version update
#1323 opened by gipeshka - 0
Contributor's Guide page not found
#1277 opened by ezhil56x - 2
DynamoDB - unexpected values set in AttributeValue
#814 opened by gchudnov - 7
zio-aws with http4s client never terminates
#377 opened by jmcclell - 0
- 5
sttp support
#583 opened by AdamGS - 0
Migrate to the new ZIO core config API
#1095 opened by vigoo - 1
Enforce AWS Cloudfront to ignore region
#1107 opened by GermanSmoliar - 11
- 0
Expose variants of the paginated streaming APIs which allow consuming the per-page responses
#1059 opened by vigoo - 1
ZIO Mock used as not a test dependency
#1032 opened by xQwexx - 0
- 0
- 0
Make flaky integration tests more stable
#927 opened by vigoo - 0
Update documentation for zio-aws 5.x
#646 opened by vigoo - 0
Write migration guide for version 5.x
#649 opened by vigoo - 3
Endpoint override type is not strict enough
#626 opened by KineticCookie - 0
Periodically run `generateCiYaml` to automatically add support for new libraries
#797 opened by vigoo - 1
- 1
Update to CE3/http4s 0.23 fails in integration tests
#467 opened by vigoo - 4
- 0
Usability of newtypes
#663 opened by svroonland - 0
Scala 3 support for the akka-http backend
#397 opened by vigoo - 0
Smithy based implementation
#721 opened by vigoo - 0
Migrate to the ZIO doc site template
#647 opened by vigoo - 0
- 0
- 0
Migrate to ZIO 2 aspects from custom ones and provide default logging and metrics aspects
#558 opened by vigoo - 1
Consider changing the model getters names
#150 opened by vigoo - 0
ZIO Module Pattern 2.0
#411 opened by vigoo - 0
Try to automate `supportsHttp2` detection
#152 opened by vigoo - 0
AWS SDK 2.17.43 breaks the code generator
#541 opened by vigoo - 0
Scala 3 support for the http4s backend
#396 opened by vigoo - 0
- 0
Fix problem introduced by 2.16.82
#407 opened by vigoo - 0
Scala 3 support
#151 opened by vigoo - 2
Remove default async executor threadpool
#364 opened by svroonland - 0
- 2
Fix breaking change of AWS SDK 2.16.22
#281 opened by vigoo - 0
Update sbt launcher
#282 opened by vigoo - 1
Drop asyncJavaPaginatedRequest
#168 opened by vigoo - 2
Generated aws-ssm artifacts is empty
#263 opened by EtaCassiopeia - 0
- 0
Generated aws-ssm artifacts is empty
#262 opened by carnext-act - 6
Question: Could we statically represent credentials provider using ADTs such that configuration library can report/document them back?
#144 opened by afsalthaj - 0
Flaky test or implementation
#127 opened by vigoo - 1
Generated sources are not published
#118 opened by vigoo