
This is the Curriculum for "Machine Learning Journey" By Siraj Raval on Youtube



This is the Curriculum for "Machine Learning Journey" By Siraj Raval on Youtube. It starts with this video on Youtube.

Week 1 - Portfolio Design

Week 2 - Mathematics

Week 3 - Stock Price Prediction

  • How to Build a Trading Bot
  • Stock Price Prediction using Reinforcement Learning
  • Convolutional Networks Applied to Time Series Data
  • Live stream

Week 4 - Building an ML Toolkit

  • Machine Learning Recommendations
  • Machine Learning Web Tools
  • Google Colab
  • Live Stream

Week 4 - Data Preprocessing

  • Finding the right dataset
  • Cleaning Data
  • Data Tools
  • Live Stream

Week 6 - TensorFlow

  • TF.JS
  • Eager Execution
  • Tensorflow Lite
  • Live Stream

Week 7 - Deep Learning in Production

  • TensorFlow Serving
  • Designing an ML API
  • Scaling
  • Live Stream

Week 8 - GANs

  • Choosing a Loss Function
  • Latest GANs
  • Research opportunites
  • Live Stream

Week 9 - The Latest Machine Learning techniques

  • Meta Learning
  • New optimization strategies
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Live Stream

Week 10 - Putting it all Together

  • Surprise