
The declarative way to fetch data required by your React & Redux app

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

This library exports a React component that automatically dispatches a Redux action when rendered. You can use it to trigger data fetch instead of doing it imperatively in componentDidMount.


import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import AutoDispatch from 'auto-dispatch'

// Action creator
const fetchCardDetails = cardId => ({ 

// React component that automatically fetches required data
const Card = props => (
    <AutoDispatch action={fetchCardDetails(props.cardId)} />
      /* Card display logic */

How it works

The action given as an argument is dispatched on initial render and every time it changes (deep comparison is performed). In the example above action FETCH_CARD_DETAILS is dispatched every time props.cardId changes.

