
Very simple and minimal python script to manage some features of Flarum (https://flarum.org)

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Built for


Flarum is free, open-source forum software built with PHP and Mithril.js.


Flarum API CLI is a very simple and minimal python script to manage some features of Flarum forum software such as users, groups and tags from the command line.

Current Features
Users Groups Tags
Create Create Create
Delete Delete Delete
View View View


Modules: argparse, requests, prettytable, dateutil, httplib

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Edit config.py and insert your Flarum forum url in base_url
  3. Retrieve the Authorization Token from your Flarum forum using administrator credentials.
    $ ./flarum-api-cli.py token -u admin -p admin
    |        Token        |
    | ******************* |
  1. Edit config.py and save token in auth_token

Usage examples


Get all users

$ flarum-api-cli.py users --get

Users in https://your.forum.url
| ID | Username |       Email        | Activated |     Last Seen     |       Joined      |
| 1  |  admin   |  admin@forum.url   |    True   | 09 Jan 2018 15:10 | 08 Jan 2018 16:19 |
| 2  |  user1   |  user1@forum.url   |    True   | 10 Nov 2018 20:39 | 09 Jan 2018 16:04 |

Create user

$ flarum-api-cli.py users --create --username user2 --email user2@forum.url --password user2password
| ID | Username |      Email      |  Status |
| 3  |  user2   | user2@forum.url | created |


Get all groups

$ ./flarum-api-cli.py groups --get

Groups in https://your.forum.url
| ID | Name singular | Name plural |
| 1  |     Admin     |    Admins   |
| 2  |     Guest     |    Guests   |
| 3  |     Member    |   Members   |
| 4  |      Mod      |     Mods    |

Create group

$ ./flarum-api-cli.py groups --create --singular test --plural tests
| ID | Name singular | Name plural |  Status |
| 12 |     test      |    tests    | created |


Get all tags

$ ./flarum-api-cli.py tags --get

Tags in https://your.forum.url
| ID |     Name  |
| 3  |  tag1     |
| 5  |  tag2     |

Create tag

$ ./flarum-api-cli.py tags --create --name tag1 --slug tag1
| ID | Tag name | Tag slug |  Status |
| 57 |   tag1   |   tag1   | created |