
Plugin for Neovim that lets you create your own "minimap" from Treesitter Queries or Vim Regex.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Plugin for Neovim that lets you create your own "minimap" from Treesitter Queries or Vim Regex.


Overview & Setup Guide


You can watch Overview & Setup Guide on Youtube

New Syntax

-- for shorthand usage
local nm = require("neo-minimap")

-- will reload your neo-minimap config file on save
-- works only when you have only 1 neo-minimap config file
nm.source_on_save("/path/to/your/neo-minimap/config-file") -- optional

nm.set({"keymap1", "keymap2"}, { "*.your_file_extension", "your_autocmd_pattern" }, {
     events = { "BufEnter" },

     -- lua table, values inside can be type `string` or `number`
     -- accepts multiple treesitter queries, corresponse to each keymap,
     -- if you press "keymap1", minimap will start with first query,
     -- if you press "keymap2", minimap will start with second query,
     -- you can have empty query table option if you want to use regex only
    query = {
        ;; query
        ((function_declaration) @cap)
        ((assignment_statement(expression_list((function_definition) @cap))))
        ]], -- first query
        ;; query
        ((function_declaration) @cap)
        ((assignment_statement(expression_list((function_definition) @cap))))
        ((for_statement) @cap)
        ]], -- second query

        1, -- if passed in a number, a query with that index will take it's place
           -- in this case, instead of copying the entire first query,
           -- we use `1` to point to it.

    -- optional
	regex = { -- lua table, values inside can be type `table` or `number`
		{ [[--.*]], [[===.*===]] }, -- first set of regexes
		{}, -- no regex
		1, -- acts as first regex set
    -- you can have empty regex option if you want to use Treesitter queries only

    -- optional
    search_patterns = {
		{ "vim_regex", "<C-j>", true }, -- jump to the next instance of "vim_regex"
		{ "vim_regex", "<C-k>", false }, -- jump to the previous instance of "vim_regex"

    auto_jump = true, -- optional, defaults to `true`, auto jump when move cursor

    -- other options
    width = 44, -- optional, defaults to 44, width of the minimap
    height = 12, -- optional, defaults to 12, height of the minimap
    hl_group = "my_hl_group", -- highlight group of virtual text, optional, defaults to "DiagnosticWarn"

    open_win_opts = {}, -- optional, for setting custom `nvim_open_win` options
    win_opts = {}, -- optional, for setting custom `nvim_win_set_option` options

    -- change minimap's height with <C-h>
    -- this means default minimap height is 12
    -- minimap height will change to 36 after pressing <C-h>
    height_toggle = { 12, 36 },

    disable_indentation = false, -- if `true`, will remove any white space / tab at the start of the results.

    -- Replace the placeholder called {cursorword} with the word the cursor is current on
    -- if `false` the keyword {cursorword} will not be replaced in query.
    replace_cursorword_attribute = true,
    -- replace the default highlights by default these values are linked
	override_default_hl = {
		NeoMinimapCursorLine = { link = "CursorLine" },
		NeoMinimapBorder = { link = "FloatBorder" },
		NeoMinimapBackground = { link = "Normal" },
		NeoMinimapLineNr = { link = "LineNr" },

Here's the config I use myself

Minimap Specific Mappings

  • a - Toggle auto_jump

  • c - Toggle conceallevel

  • q / Esc - close the Minimap

  • h / t - toggle Treesitter highlighting for Minimap

  • <C-h> - toggle Minimap's height, depends on height_toggle option

  • i - switch to previous query && set of regexes

  • o - switch to next query && set of regexes

  • <C-s> - open Minimap in vertical split

  • <C-v> - open the result in vertical split

  • l - jump to location, (depends on auto_jump), if true doesn't close Minimap, if false do.

  • Enter - jump to location, closes Minimap.

The setup_default() function

You can call nm.setup_default({opts}) to set up default options.

	height_toggle = { 12, 36 },
Old Syntax


local nm = require("neo-minimap")

nm.set("keymap", "filetype", { -- `:set filetype?` if you don't know your desired filetype
	query = [[
;; query
((query_goes_here) @cap)

    regex = {
    }, -- vim regex option, for when you can't or don't want to use Treesitter Queries

	search_patterns = { -- optional
		{ "/search", "search_mapping", true }, -- true means search forward
		{ "/search", "search_mapping", false }, -- false means search backwards
	width = 44, -- optional, defaults to 44, width of the minimap
	height = 12, -- optional, defaults to 12, height of the minimap
	hl_group = "my_hl_group", -- optional, defaults to "LineNr"
	auto_jump = true, -- optional, defaults to `true`, auto jump when move cursor

    open_win_opts = {}, -- optional, for setting `nvim_open_win` options
    win_opts = {}, -- optional, for setting `nvim_win_set_option` options


Example for Lua:

local nm = require("neo-minimap") -- for shorthand use later

-- Lua
nm.set({"zi", "zo"}, "lua", { -- press `zi` or `zo` to open the minimap, in `lua` files
	query = [[
;; query
((for_statement) @cap) ;; matches for loops
((function_call (dot_index_expression) @field (#eq? @field "vim.keymap.set")) @cap) ;; matches vim.keymap.set
((function_declaration) @cap) ;; matches function declarations
  ]], [[
;; query example to find all function calls from the object that the cursor it at.
;; replace_cursorword_attribute need to be enabled (default) to replace the word at the cursor with the placeholder {cursorword}.
((function_declaration name: ((identifier) @name (#eq? @name "{cursorword}"))) @cap)
((function_call name: ((identifier) @name (#eq? @name "{cursorword}"))) @cap)
((dot_index_expression field: ((identifier) @name (#eq? @name "{cursorword}"))) @cap)
((function_call name: (dot_index_expression table: (identifier) @name (#eq? @name "{cursorword}"))) @cap)
	regex = { [[\.insert]] }, -- 1 vim regex, matches lines with `.insert` pattern
	search_patterns = {
		{ "function", "<C-j>", true }, -- jump to the next 'function' (Vim pattern)
		{ "function", "<C-k>", false }, -- jump to the previous 'function' (Vim pattern)
		{ "keymap", "<A-j>", true }, -- jump to the next 'keymap' (Vim pattern)
		{ "keymap", "<A-k>", false }, -- jump to the previous 'keymap' (Vim pattern)

Example for Typescript:

local nm = require("neo-minimap") -- for shorthand use later

-- TSX
nm.set("zi", "typescriptreact", {  -- press `zi` to open the minimap, in `typescriptreact` files
	query = [[
;; query
((function_declaration) @cap) ;; matches function declarations
((arrow_function) @cap) ;; matches arrow functions
((identifier) @cap (#vim-match? @cap "^use.*")) ;; matches hooks (useState, useEffect, use***, etc...)

Minimap Specific Mappings

  • a - Toggle auto_jump

  • c - Toggle conceallevel

  • q / Esc - close the Minimap

  • h / t - toggle Treesitter highlighting for Minimap

  • l - jump to location (for when auto_jump is false), doesn't close Minimap.

  • Enter - jump to location, closes Minimap.

The .browse() method

You can also use nm.browse() method if you want more control over how you define your keymaps.




local nm = require("neo-minimap")

vim.keymap.set("n", "your_keymap", function()
        query = [[
    ;; query
    ((for_statement) @cap)
    ((function_declaration) @cap)
        search_patterns = {
            { "function", "<C-j>", true },
            { "function", "<C-k>", false },
        width = 44,
        height = 12,

Custom Events


nm.set("zo", "*/snippets/*.lua", { -- "mapping", "pattern"
	regex = { [[--.*\w]] },
	events = { "BufEnter" }, -- events

Available Highlight Groups

Highlight Group Purpose
NeoMinimapLineNr highlights for the Line Number
NeoMinimapCursorLine highlights the current line background
NeoMinimapBorder highlights the border for the window
NeoMinimapBackground highlights the background for the window


If you run into issues or come up with an awesome idea, please feel free to open an issue or PR.
