
Package supporting conversion from GRASP beam format to spherical harmonic coefficients for CMB experiments

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This package supports the conversion from beam data calculated using GRASP for CMB experiments to spherical harmonic coefficients ($a_{lm}$) based on the HEALPix framework. The code is designed based on Beam, which is part of LevelS, the pipleline of the Planck experiment.


git clone https://github.com/yusuke-takase/grasp2alm
cd grasp2alm
pip install -e .

Class Descriptions

Class: BeamGrid

Class to hold the data from a beam grid file of GRASP.


  • to_polar(self, copol_axis="x"): Converts the beam grid to polar coordinates.
  • plot(self, pol='co', color_resol=20, figsize=6, cmap="jet", return_fields=False): Plots the beam grid.

Class: BeamCut

Class to hold the data from a beam cut file of GRASP.


  • to_polar(self, copol_axis="x"): Converts the beam to polar coordinates.
  • plot(self, pol='co', color_resol=20, figsize=6, cmap="jet",return_fields=False): Plots the beam.

Class: BeamPolar

Represents beams of Stokes parameters. Type to store Stokes parameters of a beam on a spherical polar ($\theta\phi$) grid. This type is an input to the spherical harmonic transform. Internally, this package uses the 'Ludwig 3' definition for thepolarisation basis with the co-polar (positive Q) direction aligned with the y-axis.


  • stokes_rotate(): Rotates $Q$ and $U$ Stokes parameters from the co-cross basis to the polar basis. The $Q$ and $U$ Stokes parameters are usually represented in the co-cross basis, where the co-polar direction is aligned with the y-axis (consistent with Ludwig 3 convention). For the purposes of extracting the spherical harmonic coefficients, it is more useful to represent them in the polar basis. Unlike the original Fortran method, this function operates on a deepcopy of the input BeamPolar, so it does not perform destructive actions.
  • to_map(nside, nstokes=3, outOftheta_val=0.0, interp_method="linear"): Convert the beam to a map. Supported interp_methods are 'linear', 'nearest', 'slinear', 'cubic', 'quintic' and 'pchip'.
  • plot(stokes="I", color_resol=20, figsize=6, cmap="jet", return_fields=False): Plots the beam.

Class: BeamMap

Represents a beam map.


  • to_alm(lmax=None,mmax=None,iter=3,pol=True,use_weights=False,datapath=None,gal_cut=0,use_pixel_weights=False,): Converts the beam map to spherical harmonic coefficients, which is often called $b_{lm}$.
  • to_alm_lsq(lmax,mmax,pol=True,tol=1e-10,maxiter=20) Converts the beam map to spherical harmonic coefficients by using healpy.map2alm_lsq.

Function Descriptions

Function: grasp2alm

Convert a GRASP file to a spherical harmonic coefficients of BeamMap by using healpy.map2alm.


  • filepath (str): Path to the GRASP file.
  • nside (int): Resolution parameter for the output beam map.
  • lmax (int): The desired lmax parameters for the analysis.
  • mmax (int): The desired mmax parameters for the analysis.
  • outOftheta_val (float): Value to assign to pixels outside the valid theta range.
  • interp_method (str): Interpolation method to use. Default is 'linear'. Supported are 'linear', 'nearest', 'slinear', 'cubic', 'quintic' and 'pchip'.
  • copol_axis (str, optional): Axis of the co-polarization component. Defaults to 'x'.
  • iter (int, scalar, optional): Number of iterations (default: 3).
  • pol (bool, optional): If True, assumes input maps are TQU. Output will be TEB alm's. (input must be 1 or 3 maps) If False, apply spin 0 harmonic transform to each map. (input can be any number of maps) If there is only one input map, it has no effect. Default: True.
  • use_weights (bool, scalar, optional): If True, use the ring weighting. Default: False.
  • datapath (None or str, optional): If given, the directory where to find the pixel weights. See in the docstring above details on how to set it up.
  • gal_cut (float [degrees]): Pixels at latitude in [-gal_cut;+gal_cut] are not taken into account.
  • use_pixel_weights (bool, optional): If True, use pixel by pixel weighting, healpy will automatically download the weights, if needed.

Function: grasp2alm_lsq

Convert a GRASP file to a spherical harmonic coefficients of BeamMap by using healpy.map2alm_lsq.


  • filepath (str): Path to the GRASP file.
  • nside (int): Resolution parameter for the output beam map.
  • lmax (int): The desired lmax parameters for the analysis.
  • mmax (int): The desired mmax parameters for the analysis.
  • outOftheta_val (float): Value to assign to pixels outside the valid theta range.
  • interp_method (str): Interpolation method to use. Default is 'linear'. Supported are 'linear', 'nearest', 'slinear', 'cubic', 'quintic' and 'pchip'.
  • copol_axis (str, optional): Axis of the co-polarization component. Defaults to 'x'.
  • pol (bool, optional): If True, assumes input maps are TQU. Output will be TEB alm's. (input must be 1 or 3 maps) If False, apply spin 0 harmonic transform to each map. (input can be any number of maps) If there is only one input map, it has no effect. Default: True.
  • tol (float): The desired accuracy for the result. Once this is reached, the iteration stops.
  • maxiter (int): Maximum iteration count after which the minimization is stopped.