
A simple NextJS + Chakra UI project with a demo component that sums digits

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple NextJS + Chakra UI project with a demo component that sums digits together.

User Story

  • As a user
  • I would like to select digits
  • In order to calculate a sum

Management rules

  1. The select contains digits 1-9
  2. IF the user has not selected a digit THEN the select shows the option "Select digits"
  3. IF the user selects a digit THEN the digit is added to the sum AND the digit is disabled inside the select AND the digit is added as a tag next to the sum
  4. IF the user presses a digit tag THEN the digit is removed from the sum AND the digit is not disabled inside the select anymore

Test the project Live on Vercel

The live version of this project is available on Digit Calculator

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Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.