
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/ftransc

Primary LanguagePython

ftransc :   http://code.google.com/p/ftransc

 ftransc is a python script for converting audio files 
 from one format to another.  

	WMA: 'Decode from' + 'Encode to' supported.
	MP3: 'Decode from' + 'Encode to' supported.
	OGG: 'Decode from' + 'Encode to' supported.
	WAV: 'Decode to' + 'Encode from' supported. No metadata support.
	M4A: 'Decode from' + 'Encode to' supported.
	FLAC: 'Decode from' + 'Encode to' supported.
	MPC: 'Decode from' + 'Encode to' supported.
    WV: 'Decode from' + 'Encode to' supported.
	1. Song metadata tags preserved during transcoding.
	2. Temporary locking of file being transcoded.
	3. Metadata support UTF-8 character set.
	4. Files not ovewritten (unless overridden)
	5. Extracting audio content from video files.
    6. Album art preserved when transcoding from:
          6.1 MP3 to M4A
          6.2 M4A to MP3
          6.3 OGG to MP3
          6.4 OGG to M4A
          6.5 FLAC to MP3
          6.6 FLAC to M4A
          6.7 M4A to FLAC
          6.8 MP3 to FLAC
          6.9 OGG to FLAC
    7. Convert files from .m3u, .pls and .xspf playlist files
    8. Place converted files into another folder
    9. Lyrics are preserved when converting from:
        9.1 MP3 to M4A
        9.2 M4A to MP3
        9.3 MP3 to WMA
        9.4 WMA to MP3
        9.5 WMA to M4A
        9.6 M4A to WMA
    10. Parallel processes on multi CPU computers.
    11. Ripping of Compact Disc Digital Audio (CD).
    12. Custom audio presets support.

    The audio quality presets are:
        insane, extreme, high, normal, low, & tiny
    These presets can be changed in the /etc/ftransc/presets.conf file. 
    New presets can also be added there or in a separate file.
 The following programs are REQUIRED and should be already installed in your 
	'lame', 'avconv', 'vorbis-tools', 'faac', 'flac', 'python-mutagen', 'mppenc',
    'python-qt4', 'wavpack'
 1. Install dependencies by running on Terminal:
	'sudo apt-get install lame libav-tools faac vorbis-tools python-mutagen flac mppenc python-qt4 wavpack'

 2. Installing ftransc for the first time:
    2.1 Installing from a .tar.gz source code:
        2.1.1 Extract the ftransc source code tar archive:
        	'tar xzvf ftransc-1.0.tar.gz'
             replace 1.0 with relevant version accordingly.
        2.1.3. Change directory to the ftransc source directory:
        	'cd ftransc-1.0/'
        2.1.4. Run on terminal inside the ftransc source code directory:
        	'sudo make install'
    2.2 Installing from svn repository:
        2.2.1 Get a working copy by svn checkout:
            svn checkout http://code.google.com/p/ftransc/trunk ftransc
        2.2.2 Change directory to ftransc svn working copy:
            'cd ftransc'
        2.2.3 Install ftransc into your system:
            'sudo make uninstall; sudo make install'
 3. Upgrading ftransc;
    3.1 if you already have ftransc installed, you can upgrade it by running:
        'sudo ftransc --upgrade'
 Run on terminal:
	'cd /usr/share/doc/ftransc'
 and then:
	'sudo make uninstall'
	'ftransc -h'
	'man ftransc'`