
ArangoDB And Redis with Docker and Docker Compose

MIT LicenseMIT


ArangoDB with Docker and Docker Compose

Usage (start server)

On folder that contains docker-compose.yml type one of this.

// non detach mode
docker-compose up


// detach mode
docker-compose up -d

It will spin the ArangoDB latest version (currently 3.x.x version), expose port to host at 8529.

Usage (stop server)

To shutdown database without remove the container.

docker-compose stop

To shutdown database and remove the container.

docker-compose down

Is data or user that already created will gone? No, since in the Docker Compose file you can see that we utilize data container named arangodb_data_container and arangodb_apps_data_container to store the ArangoDB data and apps.

ArangoDB credential

  • Username: root
  • Password: rootpassword

How to connect to ArangoDB

Via WebUI

Go to http://localhost:8529

Via command line

Make sure you have arangosh client tool command installed.

arangosh --server.endpoint http+tcp:// --server.password rootpassword

Enjoy your local ArangoDB database server for any purpose you want, for me this setup is fine for testing purpose.


  1. Start Redis via docker-compose in terminal:
  $ cd ./redis-docker-compose
  $ docker-compose up -d
  1. Connect to the Redis server:
  $ docker exec -ti redis redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a 12345678
  1. Other commands maybe needed:
  # you can stop service by the command
  $ docker stop redis
  # you can start service by the command
  # maybe you need this command after your computer restart
  $ docker start redis
  # you can restart service by the command
  # maybe you need this command after you made some update for [redis.conf]
  $ docker restart redis


  1. How to change password?
  • Just change the line requirepass 12345678 in file redis.conf to requirepass [new password], and then restart the service with command docker restart redis