
SFax API Wrapper for Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

SFax Ruby Gem Build Status

What does this gem do?

This gem is a ruby wrapper around the SFax API. With this gem, you can easily send and receive electronic faxes.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sfax'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install sfax


First and foremost, you need to sign up for an SFax account here and generate your credentials here.

After that, you can initialize the Faxer class as:

# All four fields are necessary.
# Username and api_key are used for fax processing.
# Vector and encryptiong_key are used for securing posted url.
SFax::Faxer.new(username, api_key, vector, encryption_key)

After this there are four main methods: send_fax, fax_status, receive_fax and download_fax.

send_fax accepts a file and a fax_number in the following format: +1xxxxxxxxxx. File can be a Tempfile or a url. If fax is successfully initiated, send_fax returns fax_id (a 32-digit alphanumeric id) which can be used to track the fax status.

fax_status accepts a fax_id which is returned from send_fax and returns the status of the fax with fax_id.

receive_fax accepts count, which is the number of faxes to be received. SFax returns 500 (maximum) faxes at a time, so count is capped at 500. receive_fax returns two values: If there are any received faxes, it returns an array of fax ids to be downloaded. If there are more faxes to be received, receive_fax also returns true. Otherwise it returns false along with the array of ids.

download_fax accepts a fax_id and returns the contents of the fax to be written to a file.

Best Practices

At PatientBank, we use this gem to make calls to the SFax API via jobs. While sending faxes are triggered via the user, we use cron jobs to regularly check if there are any received faxes.

For development environment, it is important to not send or receive faxes from your main fax number. One workaround is to create a new fax number (and its respective API credentials) for use in development machines.


The Basics

Generating API Credentials

SFax Sign up


This gem is inspired by the sample code SFax provides to its developers.


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/[my-github-username]/sfax/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request