- Do discuss CS, nerdy ideas, or topics related to your life.
- Don't insult people or be a jerk.
- Do make jokes and be silly.
- Don't be spammy or annoying or use crass language excessively.
- Do build fun and constructive bots that contribute to the channel.
- Don't talk about controversial political issues not relevant to your life.
The three ops (JacobEdelman, tb10, nickolas360) decide matters relating to kicking, banning, etc. If two ops disagree, the remaining op can cast the deciding vote for the short term, and the members of the channel can vote to determine long term decisions. If this happens, a majority of half of the voiced or opped members of the channel, rounded down to the nearest lower one's place, plus one of said group of members will be needed to confirm the decision. We don't want to actually have this happen, so ops should work to reach a decision on their own.
Test bots in ##`bots. If you'd like to launch a bot on #`, log in
with the account (not nickname) backtickbots
and ask nickolas360 for the
password. If you're using pyrcb,
call IRCBot.password("backtickbots:<password>")
right after calling
. The currently active bots are:
- btquotebot - manages the QuoteDB (see below).
- espeaker - TTS feed of the channel.
- gunnmovebot - monitors the old channel for people who don't know that the new one exists.
- nimbot_ - sends you mail if you missed a message on the channel.
- shelldon - unlimited power.
- topicbot - appends to the channel topic.
- xkbot - turns xkcd://1024 into https://xkcd.com/1024 for easy referencing
See nkf1's site.
The topic is settable by anybody but you should not delete the link to the faq in it and should be respectful of other people who change the topic.
On the eve of creation, #` sprang into creation, straight from a git init
by Linus Torvalds. Raised by Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace, the
inhabitants of #__ were trained at an early age in the art of bug fighting by Grace Hopper and Alan Turing. Because of these tumultuous and often times violent beginnings, __#
was left bereft of true spiritual nourishment. Yet,
after tormented eons, the arrival of Randall Monroe, Richard Stallman, and
Donald Trump began to heal the metaphysical wounds of #__. This healing has only begun recently, and it remains to be seen how far __#
can go on the
road of recovery. It has not been easy, but with the help of xkcd, St.
IGNUcius, and the Donald, #` has gotten to where it is now. At least, I
think that's how it happened. It's pretty late, so I might be getting a bit