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Configuration loading and merging based on the environment with inheritance and other goodies. This README provides information on common use cases. More extensive documentation is available in the docs directory.

Environment Based

NODE_ENV is used to determine which configuration to pull from the full configuration file. If NODE_ENV is not set, Configurez will use "local".

For example, if your full configuration is:

  "local": {
    "port": 9000
  "production": {
    "port": 8000

And NODE_ENV=production, the resulting config will be:

  "production": {
    "port": 8000

Other Goodies

Configurez use YAML to parse all configuration files, which means you can write your configurations can range from strict JSON with comments, to taking full advantage of the YAML spec.

Configurez also includes extra tag types (turn on by default) to allow extras, such as inheritance and decryption.


Configurators are helper objects that do the work of merging and transforming the configurations.

configurez.Configurator(configs, opts)

Configurator takes an array of configs, which it merges, and transforms into a single configuration. These configs can be loaded Objects, or a filesystem path to some config on disk. For example:

// ./project-config.json
  "local": {
    "server": "localhost",
    "port": 9000
var configurez = require('configurez');
var loadedConfig = {
  "local": {
    "port": 8000
var configurator = new configurez.Configurator([ './project-config.json', loadedConfig ]);
// configurator.config = {
//   "server: "localhost",
//   "port": 8000
// }

The Configurator builds the config object while being instantiated. You can access it directly with configurator.config, and reload/rebuild it by calling configurator.reload().


  • {Boolean|Tag[]} extraTags - Allow extra tags (!inherit, !decrypt, !pass). (Defaults to true)
  • {String} env - The environment to pull the config for. (Defaults to process.env.NODE_ENV || 'local')
  • {Object} defaults - Defaults to be applied under the config object.
  • {Object} overrides - Overrides to be applied on top the config object.
  • {String} defautlPassword - Default password to be used by tags like !decrypt

configurez(configs, opts)

Configurez includes a helper function for instantiating, and accessing the config field on a Configurator:

var config = configurez([ './project-config.json', loadedConfig ]);

configurez.DirectoryConfigurator(basename, opts)

This will walk the filesystem to find config files that match a given basename. By default, this is: /\.configurez\.[json|ya?ml]/. For example:

var configurez = require('configurez');
var configurator = new configurez.DirectoryConfigurator('project-config.json');
// configurator.config = {
//   "server: "localhost",
//   "port": 9000
// }


All options in Configurator, plus:

  • {String} dirname - Directory to start walking. (Defaults to the directory of the file starting the node process)
  • {Boolean} checkHome - Check the home directory for a default file. (Defaults to true)
  • {Boolean} recursive - Recursively walk the filesystem. (Defaults to true)

configurez.dir(basename, opts)

Configurez includes a helper function for instantiating, and accessing the config field on a DirectoryConfigurator:

var config = configurez.dir('project-config.json');

Extra YAML Tags

These are tags that will be turned on if you pass the extra Tags: true option to Configurez. The interface for each of the tags is defined below, with an example of their usage.

!inherit [ env, overrides, defaults ]

Inherit specific fields from another environment.

  • {String} env - The environment to pluck this field from.
  • {Object} [overrides] - Overrides to apply over the inherited config.
  • {Object} [defaults] - Defaults to before the inherited config. NOTE: overrides and defaults should only be used if the value pulled from the other environment is an Object.


  'local': {
    'service': !inherit [ 'production', {
      'server': 'localhost:3000'
  'production': {
    'service': {
      'server': 'http://a.great.website.com',
      'db': 'mongo'

Configurez will yield the following config with NODE_ENV set to 'local':

  "service": {
    "server": "localhost:3000",
    "db": "mongo"

For more complex examples, see test/inheritance.js and test/resources/configurez-test-inheritance-file.yml.

!decrypt text

Decrypt a base64, aes-256-ctr encrypted value object.

  • {String} text - The encrypted value. The decrypted text must take on the form: { value: <VALUE> }, where <VALUE> is valid JSON. NOTE: you should never create encrypted values yourself. Instead use the bin/encrypt.js script:
$ node dist/bin/encrypt.js
Welcome to the Configurez encypt script
Value: rubber ducky
Password: password
Encrypted: SkOk3YRCECx2Ezp2n77rk5JjO9KQR2HBKxyhRw0jztw=

The Password: prompt is hidden while typing.

You can also access the encrypt script if you install Configurez globally:

$ npm -i -g configurez
$ configurez-encrypt

This restriction is so the password can be validated. If the currently stored password fails, the user will be prompted to enter it in again. NOTE: only one password should be used per configuration.


  'local': {
    'username': 'admin',
    'password': !decrypt 'SkOk3YRCECx2Ezp2n77rkxWyrHmwRiGcpgDICV+CYio='

This encrypted value evaluates to: '{"value":"rubber ducky"}' with password: 'password'.

Encrypt Script:

There is a helper script for generating !decrypt text fields. Simply follow the prompts after running:

$ node bin/encrypt.js

Or install the this package globally, and use the script installed in the npm bin:

$ npm i -g configurez
$ configurez-encrypt

!env [ variable, fallback ]

Pull in values from the environment, with the ability to set the fallback value.

  • {String} variable - The environment variable to pull.
  • {Mixed} - The fallback value if the environment variable wasn't found.


  'local': {
    'log': {
      'level': !env [ 'APP_LOG_LEVEL', 'info' ]

This will look for APP_LOG_LEVEL in the environment variables and will set it to 'info' if it wasn't found.

!passwordstore key

Pull in value from pass.

  • {String} key - The key to pull from pass. NOTE: in order to run the tests/use this tag, you must have pass installed as binary on your PATH.


  'local': {
    'password': !passwordstore 'Passtest/pass'

This will execute pass "Passtest/pass", then pass on the output to the config file.


A function for building project configurations. It will check multiple paths and merge found configurations. Use it like this:

let config = buildConfig();

By default, it will search the project directory and user's home directory for configuration file project-config.json or project-config.yml and merge the found configurations. You can supply your own configuration like this:

let config = buildConfig({ cluster: { size: -1 } });

You can alson supply options to include paths to directories containing configuration files like this:

let config = buildConfig({}, { projectDirs: [ '.' ] });