
OctopusWAF is a WAF( Web application firewall) with high performance, made in C language and use libevent.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Octopus WAF

Alt text

OctopusWAF is an open-source Web application firewall entirely created in C language that uses libevent to make multiple connections. The event-driven architecture is optimized for many parallel connections (keep-alive), vital for high-performance AJAX applications. This tool is very light. You can deploy in any, please. This resource turns perfect for protecting specific endpoints that need custom protection.

Video demo

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbnis-i7EqU Test detection with libinjection.

First step

Install libpcre or libpcre-dev with apt. If you use RPM-based distro, search the name pcre-devel package, on BSD systems search in ports or brew(MacOS)... You Need libevent-dev to run; on RPM distros libevent-devel, you need to install OpenSSL-dev and OpenSSL-devel.

Example in debian based:

$ sudo apt install libssl-dev libevent-dev libpcre3-dev make gcc

To compile and run OctopusWAF, follow these commands:

$ git clone https://github.com/CoolerVoid/OctopusWAF
$ cd OctopusWAF; make
# if you need to see options try the following
$ bin/OctopusWAF

The example tested on DVWA on a simple HTTP channel.

$ bin/OctopusWAF -h -r --debug --libinjection-sqli --log results_log.txt

Note you can use pcre, horspool, and libinjection mode protections simultaneously.

Open your browser in, and you can test the block when you attack.
  • Notes: Don't execute with "cd bin; ./OctopusWAF" use full path "bin/OctopusWAF" because binary needs load content in the config directory. Use HTTP only for WAF usage. This version 0.1 runs TLS but doesn't have a resource to load cert and read TLS requests/responses. If you use TLS, the service can lose the WAF function and work a reverse proxy.

Tested on Linux but can run in FreeBSD.

Code overview

Language                     files          blank        comment           code
C/C++ Header                    14            133            270           9977
C                               13            591            798           2625
make                             2             14              3             52
Markdown                         1             34              0             52
SUM:                            30            772           1071          12706

Future TODO:

  • Resource to load modsec rules https://github.com/SpiderLabs/owasp-modsecurity-crs/
  • Resource to use NLP and try to classify payload to block using machine learning (KNN or naive Bayes)
  • Insert new regulations to detect XSS
  • Insert new rules to detect SQLi
  • Insert new rules to see RCE
  • Insert new rules to detect RFI/LFI
  • Insert new rules to detect XXE
  • Insert new rules to detect Anomalies.
  • Channel for TLS
  • Cert Load
  • Issues.


The purpose of this tool is to use in pentest, take attention if you have a proper authorization before to use that. I do not have responsibility for your actions. You can use a hammer to construct a house or destroy it, choose the law path, don't be a bad guy, remember.


