

Generate the verilog code

Files in the repository

  • sifive.freedom.unleashed.DevKitU500FPGADesign_WithDevKit50MHz.v: the verilog code including the DCache and IBuf modules
  • *.smt2: smt2 formula generated from yosys-0.8 using the verilog code
  • *.ys: the yosys script used to generate smt2 formula

Convert DCache Module to smt2 formula

yosys dcache.ys

  • The array is unrolled due to the command "memory". (e.g., tag_array_0 are definded as |DCache_n tag_array_0[i]|, i=0,1,2, ..., 63)
  • The initialization is defined by a function called DCache_i (state)
  • The state transition is defined by a function called DCache_t (state, next_state)
  • The variable used in submodule is defined in format of |DCache_n submodule.variable| (e.g. |DCache_n data.data_arrays_0_3[223]|)

Convert IBuf Module to smt2 formula (a shorter smt2 file)

yosys ibuf.ys


If your target module is others, you can replace DCache with RocketTile in dcache.ys

generate logical formula for multi-cycle execution

yosys-smtbmc -t $2 --dump-smt2 $1-$2.smt2 $1.smt2 dcache-20.smt2 is the formula corresponding to 20 cycles. s0 -> initial state, s1, s2, ..., s19