
Use GPT to convert PDF bank statements to CSV

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Use GPT to convert PDF bank statements to CSV

Getting Started

pip install pymupdf
python convert.py

How to use

Create a config file config.json in the root directory:

    "api_key": "YOUR-OPENAI-KEY",
    "names": [],
    "addresses": [],
    "accounts": []

The script will also redact some basic keywords, stored in keywords.json.

Using Open AI API

Using Custom GPT

If you have Chat AI subscription, it might be more economical to use it's UI. link

Simply upload the pdf and it will output the CSV.

When importing the CSV to a credit card account, first select the credit account. Map the Account column to Transfer Account, Amount to Amount (negated).

GPT infers the transaction type and save it to the Account column.

For each transaction, infer the transaction type from its description:
If related to salary,  Account is "Income:Salary:CAD";
If related to dining,  Account is "Expenses:Dining";
If related to groceries,  Account is "Expenses:Groceries";
If related to uber, lyft, flight ticket or other transportation, Account is "Expenses:Entertainment:Travel";
If related to hobbies (muay thai, martial arts, skiing), Account is "Expenses:Hobbies";
If related to any subscription service,  Account is "Expenses:Subscriptions";
If related to parking, Account is "Expenses:Auto:Parking";
If related to gas or fuel, Account is "Expenses:Auto:Fuel";
For all the other expenses, Account is "Expenses:Adjustment"

Supported Banks


  1. Login to Chase. Click "accounts".
  2. Click the "more" dropdown menu, choose "spending summary ", top right(on laptop, left on mobile)
  3. Click "download transactions" CSV is an option in the download drop-downs.


  1. Go to “Statements & Activity” and select the custom date range.
  2. Click the search button, which will display the transactions below.
  3. Click the Excel or CSV to download.


  1. Sign in
  2. In this page


Click "Transactions -> Download Transactions"link