
a directory of all identifiable Internet Computer projects

Primary LanguageHTML

Awesome Internet Computer

This is a directory of all identifiable projects in the Internet Computer ecosystem globally. Its V1.0 was previously hosted on Github Page. Its V2.0 has recently been migrated to Internet Computer - ie. using IC as its backend.

For Github Page-based V1.0, the deployment workflow goes like:

  • Make changes in local machine to README.md via Macdown, a Markdown editor
  • Git all/commit/push
  • Awesome IC will be automatically updated

This workflow ensures version control and what's rendered on Github Page is consistent with the Markdown file.

For IC-based V2.0, the deployment workflow is now:

  • Make changes in the local machine via DFN SDK
  • Deploy to the canister and the IC website will be updated
  • Git all/commit/push to Github repo to back up the code

This workflow loses the link from Github repo to IC site. The consistency between IC site and Github repo is ensured manually, rather by code. It's not perfect, but a small trade-off to bring this useful website to Internet Computer, where it truly belongs.

How to deploy a static website on Internet Computer

Step 1: install the dfn SDK

Go to dfinity.org, click on Developer Center.

Run this command in the terminal of your local machine to install the sdk. I use iTerm2 on a Macbook Pro.

sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL https://smartcontracts.org/install.sh)"

Here's the screen output:

sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL https://smartcontracts.org/install.sh)"
info: Executing dfx install script, commit: 603da2b6c742040cb9d94285dc31813e232804f2
info: Version found: 0.8.4
info: Creating uninstall script in ~/.cache/dfinity
info: uninstall path=/Users/herbert.yang/.cache/dfinity/uninstall.sh
info: Checking for latest release...
Will install in: /usr/local/bin
info: Installed /usr/local/bin/dfx

Make sure brew, the Mac package manager, and node are both installed, by following this new comer guide

Check brew and node have been installed properly:

brew --version
Homebrew 3.3.4
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 4c66d4547cb; last commit 2021-11-18)
node --version

Step 2: Create an IC project folder

On your Github page, create a new repo (can be public or private) Awesome Internet Computer

Git clone this repo from Github server to local machine

git clone git@github.com:zire/Awesome-Internet-Computer.git

Enter into this directory

cd Awesome-Internet-Computer

Check what are the current directories defined in your environment variable $PATH

export $PATH

Check the location of the dfx executable to make sure it's in one of the paths defined in $PATH

which dfx

Step 3: Set up the IC folder

Follow this guide hosting a static website on the Internet Computer.

Right now the folder only has two files, .git and README.md. Let's create the rest.

Create assets folder, and 4 files inside assets folder with touch command from Shell:

  • index.html
  • page-2.html
  • script.js
  • style.css

Create some initial contents for this boiler-template, so that the IC site can be launched right away. Once the IC site is live, we can come back and revise all the contents.

I use Visual Studio Code for writing HTML files. It's free and easy to use.

After filling up the above 4 files with initial content, configure DFX to deploy. In the root directory, create a dfx.jason and add the following content:

   "canisters": {
       "website": {
           "type": "assets",
           "source": ["assets"]

Your directory should look like this now:

├── assets
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── page-2.html
│   ├── script.js
│   └── style.css
└── dfx.json

Step 4: Set your Cycles wallet address

You can either use your own Cycles wallet and convert your ICP into Cycles into this wallet, or use a wallet with the courtesy of DFINITY and fleek.co that gives you $20.00 Cycles for free.

Follow the guide on DFINITY Faucet, connect your Github account, get your principal ID, and complete the steps until you get to see the "Congrats" screen. You will be given:

  • 15 trillion Cycles ("TC") that is worth $20.00
  • a Principal ID, your-principal-id
  • a Wallet ID, your-wallet-id

Run the command below in the root directory to set the default wallet for this IC folder

dfx identity --network ic set-wallet --force your-wallet-id
Skipping verification of availability of the canister on the network due to --force...
Setting wallet for identity 'default' on network 'ic' to id 'your-wallet-id'
Wallet set successfully.


Add a .gitignore file in the root directory with