Duplex allows you to search for similar code blocks inside your Elixir project.
Remotely (without repository cloning)
mix escript.install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zirkonit/duplex/master/duplex
mix do escript.build, escript.install
cd /path/to/project
- Add
to deps inmix.exs
def deps do
[{:duplex, "~> 0.1.1"}]
- Update dependencies
mix deps.get
iex -S mix
You can change default values on config.exs
by adding next lines with your own values
config :duplex, threshold: 7 # filter AST nodes with `node.length + node.depth >= threshold`
# Than lower threshold, than simpler nodes will be included.
# Optimal value is around 7-10. Default is 7.
config :duplex, dirs: ["lib", "config", "web"] # directories to search for Elixir source files
config :duplex, n_jobs: 4 # number of threads