
Serverless back-end of the IWIBot built on the Apache OpenWhisk platform

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Getting your environment set up

  1. If you have not installed and configured your Bluemix CLI already, follow the steps as shown here.
  2. Run npm install in the root directory of the project to install the serverless dependency and install serverless with sudo npm i -g serverless@1.32
  3. Copy the template.local.env on linux and paste it named local.env. On Windows copy the windows-template.local.cmd and paste it as local.cmd.
    Then add your IBM credentials to the local.env or local.cmd. Optionally add another organization and space.
  4. Login to your IBMCloud-CLI on linux via ./bx_authenticate.sh and on windows via bx_authenticate.bat.

Prerequisites for deployment

Some Openwhisk-Functions need certain services in order to work properly.

E.g the Router-Functions needs the Watson-Assistent Service to work. Before deploying the functions we have to make sure that the required services are created and set up correctly. After the functions are deployed we bind the services to the functions, so that they have the credentials to work with them.

Infos service bindings:
The service-type is equivalent with the type property in the serverless.yml file.
The service-name is equivalent with the instance property in the serverless.yml file.
The key is equivalent with the name of the credentials of the service.

  1. Clone the repository. In a console run: git clone https://github.com/HSKA-IWI-VSYS/iwibot-openwhisk.git
  2. Follow the instructions in the iwibot-watson-assistant repository.
  3. Go back to the page (which shows all workspaces; in this case, it will be just one workspace). Click the three vertical dots icon to open the menu and select View details. This loads the details of the workspace including the workspace id.
  4. Copy the workspace_id and replace it with the workspace_id found in the serverless.yml inside the context of the Router function.
  5. If you have used a name other than conversation, you need to replace the instance found in the serverless.yml inside the context of the Router functions' service binding.
  6. Additionally, you may need to create new service-credentials or a 'Serviceberechtigungsnachweis' and copy its name into the key field found in the serverless.yml inside the context of the Router functions' service binding.
  7. Create the weatherinsights service here and name it weatherinsights
  8. Go to your Cloud Dashboard and get the service-type and service-name of the weatherinsights service to paste the values inside the context of the Weather function in the serverless.yml. If not visible, try weatherinsights for service-type and service-name.
  9. After that, select the weatherinsights service and get the name of your service-credentials to paste it as the key inside the context of the Weather function in the serverless.yml file. You may need to create new service-credentials or a 'Serviceberechtigungsnachweis' for that purpose.

The commands shown bellow need the serverless framework to be installed globally, otherwise you need to execute the appropriate commands through the package.js scripts section. To install serverless globally type sudo npm i -g serverless@1.32 (for any reason, some other version not working).

After you installed serverless globally you can use the tool sls iwibot with a variety of commands as explained below. Before calling the tool, make sure to load the environment variables defined in local.env or local.cmd into your shell context. you can do this with source local.env on linux/mac or call local.cmd on windows.

After that you can, for example, start creating a template with sls iwibot template create --kind nodejs --name test.

Working with the Serverless Framework

For the deployment of the functions we are using the serverles framework. All information that are needed for the deployment are kept inside the serverless.yml found at the root of the openwhisk folder.

A plugin is added to extend the serverless framework functionality.

  • sls iwibot will package and deploy all enabled functions
  • sls iwibot enable enables all functions in the serverless.yml file
  • sls iwibot enable --fn Router enable only Router function in the serverless.yml file
  • sls iwibot disable disables all functions in the serverless.yml file
  • sls iwibot disable --fn Router disable only Router function in the serverless.yml file
  • sls iwibot remove removes all, in the serverless.yml, enabled functions. With --force | -f you can force a deletion of all deployed functions
  • sls iwibot package will package enabled functions. The artifacts are stored in the .serverless/ directory
  • sls iwibot deploy will package and deploy enabled functions
  • sls iwibot service bind binds resources of enabled functions, to the functions
  • sls iwibot service unbind unbinds resources of enabled functions, to the functions
  • sls iwibot api bind configures the api gateway definitions of enabled functions
  • sls iwibot api unbind deletes the api gateway definitions of enabled functions
  • sls iwibot bind configures api gateway definitions and bind services (shorthand for sls iwibot service bind and sls iwibot api bind)
  • sls iwibot unbind remove the api gateway definitions and service bindings (shorthand for sls iwibot service unbind and sls iwibot api unbind)
  • sls iwibot template create --name test --kind nodejs|go|python|php|java creates a funtion template based on the kind. -n is the shortcut for --name and -k for --kind.

If you want to bind resources to or create api's for functions, first you need to deploy the functions! After that be sure, that the needed environment variables are visible (local.env). The authenticate scripts make the env vars visible. Then you can invoke sls iwibot service bind and sls iwibot api bind or the shorthand sls iwibot bind.

Detailed information on how to work with the serverless framework can be found here.

Function Template's

In summary, till now, there are five templates:

  • NodeJS 8 (npm)
  • Go (go get)
  • Java (maven)
  • PHP 7.2 (composer)
  • Python 3 (pip)

So you are not fixed to one language. If you wish to, you can change to Python or Java.


For building a nodejs function you need the node package manager (npm), so install nodejs for your OS. The package manager is shipped with nodejs. You can also install it via your favour package manager! Dependencies can be searched on npmjs and goes into the package.json.

To create a nodejs template, invoke the following command: sls iwibot template create -n name -k nodejs where name is the name of your function.


If you like to write a go function, install go tools to be able to build go functions. These are the standard libraries in go.

To create a go template, invoke the following command: sls iwibot template create -n name -k go where name is the name of your function.

Put the dependencies, like normal in go, in the go file imports. When sls iwibot package is invoked, the dependencies will be downloaded and the binary be build and zipped.


The java functions require maven for building the project.

  1. download maven from here
  2. install maven like here; or via your favorite package manager
  3. search for dependencies at maven central
  4. add to the pom.xml

To create a java template, invoke the following command: sls iwibot template create -n name -k java where name is the name of your function.


You can also write your program in python. The needed dependencies can be added to the requirements.txt. The Python Requirements Pugin is used for packaging python functions.

To create a python template, invoke the following command: sls iwibot template create -n name -k python where name is the name of your function.


For writing php functions you need to install composer. Dependencies you can search at packagist and add to the composer.json.

To create a php template, invoke the following command: sls iwibot template create -n name -k php where name is the name of your function.

Common Infos

To deploy your own Router, till now you need to add your workspace_id to nodejs-router/lib/conversation.js and then package and deploy the Router function.

Via enabled: true in the serverless.yml file the functions can be enabled and disabled for packaging and deployment.

When a template is created via sls iwibot template create it is enabled by default. Only the functions you're working on should be enabled to reduce the development time and prevent failures.

Service bindings and routes can be configured like in the Router function.

If you want to bind a new service: type is the service offer, eg. conversation|weatherinsights, instance is the service name and key is the name of the service Credentials you want to bind (eg. Credentials-1).


Enable all functions with sls iwibot enable. Deploy the functions with sls iwibot deploy test, get the Test-API-URL with ibmcloud wsk api list. Copy the URL of /iwibotTest API to your clipboard and paste it as the ACTION_PREFIX_URL value in local.env on linux or local.cmd on windows.

For testing the nodejs functions, install the dependencies with ./installFunctionDependencies.sh on linux or installFunctionsDependencies.bat on windows. Prepare your test environment with source local.env on linux or call local.cmd on windows and run npm test on linux or npm run test:win on windows.

Tips & Infos

IBM Openwhisk System Details and Limits The maximum size of the zip file to be uploaded is 48MB!

When any problems occur, feel free to open a new Issue.

Please add IDE specified directories to the .gitignore file.

If a new runtime should be supported, the build and the deploy part must be implemented into the Serverless Build Plugin.

When you have a deployment error and in the shown url is something like placeholder/_/placeholder then check your .wskprops file in your home directory. The NAMESPACE value could be empty. To fix this just overwrite the OW_NAMESPACE=_ with NAMESPACE=ORG_SPACE where ORG is the wanted organization and SPACE the space.

Rules, Feeds and Sequences are not supported yet!