
This is the Naked Curvy NCoV19 edition for Just.game ( Curvy.One )

Primary LanguageCSSCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


sauce hooked on github

Available on greasyfork.org

This is the Naked Curvy NCoV19 edition for Just.game ( Curvy.One )

Steps on how to use User styles -

  1. Visit 'Stylus' Brave/Chrome extension https://greasyfork.org/en/help/installing-user-styles
  2. Click on 'Install as user style' button
  3. Stylus will then handle user styles according to preferences

Just.game is a blueprint for the concept of Autodecentricity, an idea so astoundingly disruptive that it's guaranteed to shape the future of software development. —Team JUST

Brought to you by curvy.one

Inspired by CSS naked day Show off your sexy <body>!

Also see newest worldmeters Corona Dark Covid-19 edition theme: style 182135