
A MongoDB Server Database Seeder and Migration Tool

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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A MongoDB Database Server Seeder and Migration Tool.


mongover is a set of tools that can be used as a module dependency for NodeJS applications or as a command line interface tool for the purpose of seeding and migrating MongoDB databases.



$ npm i mongover


1. Import mongover

const { apply } = require('mongover');

2. Define MongoverOptions

const options = {
  specPath: './database',
  uri: 'mongodb://',
  dbs: [],
  alias: [],
  collections: [],
  seedOnly: false,
  migrateForce: false,
  info: '_info',
  socketTimeoutMS: 3600000,
MongoverOptions Default Type Description
specPath ./database string Path to Mongover Specification.
uri mongodb:// string MongoDB Server connection string.
dbs [] // all dbs in specPath string[] Specifies which databases to apply.
alias [] // no aliases string[] Specifies the aliases of the specified databases to apply, a database will use the alias corresponding to its index.
collections [] // all collections in specPath string[] Specifies which collections to apply.
seedOnly false boolean Specifies if mongover should only seed instead of migrating existing database.
migrateForce false boolean Specifies if mongover should migrate the database even if the specified version is lower or the same.
info _info string Specifies the collection name of the database information.
socketTimeoutMS 3600000 number Specifies how long a send or receive on a socket can take before timing out in milliseconds.

3. Apply Mongover Specification

await apply(options);



$ npm i -g mongover


$ mongover <command> [<args>] [<options>]


  • init: initializes a new Mongover Specification


    $ mongover init [<specPath>] [-f dir|-f json]


    <specPath>                path to Mongover Specification. Defaults to `./database`.


    -f or --format            specifies Mongover Specification format, choose between `dir` and `json`. Defaults to `dir`.
  • extract: extracts the Mongover Specification of an existing MongoDB Server and initializes a new Mongover Repository with it.


    $ mongover extract [<specPath>] [-u "<uri>"] [-d <dbName>[,...] [-c <collectionName>[,...]]] [-f dir|-f json] [-e jsonl|-e json|-e no [-q "<query>"]] [-i <infoCollection>] [--socketTimeoutMS <milliseconds>]


    <specPath>                path to Mongover Specification. Defaults to `./database`.


    -u or --uri               specifies the uri of the running mongod or mongos. Defaults to 'mongodb://'.
    -d or --dbs               specifies which databases are to be extracted.
    -c or --collections       specifies which collections are to be extracted. Defaults to all collections in specified databases.
    -f or --format            specifies Mongover Specification format, choose between 'dir' and 'json'. Defaults to 'dir'.
    -e or --export            specifies if data from the MongoDB Server should also be exported, choose between 'jsonl', 'json' and 'no'. Defaults to 'no'.
    -q or --query             specifies a filter which data to be exported from the MongoDB Server.
    -i or --info              specifies the collection name of the database information. Defaults to '_info'.
    --socketTimeoutMS         specifies how long a send or receive on a socket can take before timing out in milliseconds. Defaults to '3600000'.
  • apply: applies the current Mongover Specification to the MongoDB Server.


    $ mongover apply [<specPath>] [-u "<uri>"] [-d <dbName>[,...] [-a <alias>[,...]]] [-c <collectionName>[,...]] [-s] [-m] [-i <infoCollection>] [--socketTimeoutMS <milliseconds>]


    <specPath>                path to Mongover Specification. Defaults to current working directory.


    -u or --uri               pecifies the uri of the running mongod or mongos. Defaults to 'mongodb://'.
    -d or --dbs               specifies which databases to apply. Defaults to all databases in the Mongover Specification.
    -a or --alias             specifies the aliases of the specified databases to apply, a database will use the alias corresponding to its index separated by commas.
    -c or --collections       specifies which collections to apply. Defaults to all collections in specified databases.
    -s or --seedOnly          specifies if mongover should only seed the database instead of migrating it when it already exists.
    -m or --migrateForce      specifies if mongover should migrate the database even if the specified version is lower or the same.
    -i or --info              specifies the collection name of the database information. Defaults to '_info'.
    --socketTimeoutMS         specifies how long a send or receive on a socket can take before timing out in milliseconds. Defaults to '3600000'.
  • help: outputs Mongover usage.


    $ mongover help

Mongover Specification

Format: dir

File Structure

├── dbName/                           # Database Directory
│   ├── data/             
│   │   ├── collectionName.jsonl      # Export/Import file to be upserted to dbName.collectionName (alternatively `json|js`)
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── collections/
│   │   ├── collectionName.spec.json  # Collection Migration/Seeding Specification file
│   │   └── ...
│   └── db.spec.json                  # Database Migration/Seeding Specification file
└── ...
  • db.spec.json

        "drop": false, // Specifies if database should just be dropped.
        "seedOnly": false, // Specifies if existing database should be migrated or only seeded.
        "migrateForce": false, // Specifies if mongover should migrate the database even if the specified version is the same.
        "info": "_info", // Specifies the collection name of the database information.
        "recreate": false, // Specifies if existing database should be dropped before specification is applied.
        "alias": "dbName", // Alias/Name the database specification will be deployed as.
        "version": "1.0.0", // Specifies the version of the database, this will determine if the database needs to be migrated or not.
  • collectionName.spec.json

        "drop": false, // Specifies if collection should just be dropped.
        "recreate": false, // Specifies if the Collection should be dropped before specification is applied.
        "recreateIndexes": false, // Specifies if all the Indexes of the Collection should be dropped before specification is applied.
        "options": {}, // Create Collection Options. See: http://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/3.2/api/Db.html#createCollection
        "indexes": [
                "drop": false,  // Specifies if index should just be dropped.
                "recreate": false, // Specifies if Index with same name should be dropped before specification is applied.
                "keys": { // Specify keys to be indexed. See: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/indexes/#index-types
                    "fieldName": 1        
                "options": { // Create Index Options. See: http://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/3.2/api/Db.html#createIndex
                    "name": "fieldName_1"
        "data": {
            "upsert": {
                "preserve_id": true, // Specifies if _id from export file should be preserved when applied.
                "identifierFields": [ // Specify fields to be used to check if a document exists in the collection and used as filter to update the document.
                "ignoreFields": [ // Specify fields to be ignored when updating existing documents.
            "rename": { // Specify fields to be renamed when updating existing documents.
                "fieldName": "newFieldName"
            "unset": [ // Specify fields to be unset when updating existing documents.
            "delete": { // Filter for deleteMany, leave empty if there is nothing to delete. Filter should be in EJSON format.
                "fieldName": {
                    "$oid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

Format: json

File Structure

├── dbName/                           # Database Directory
│   ├── data/             
│   │   ├── collectionName.jsonl      # Export/Import file to be upserted to dbName.collectionName (alternatively `json|js`)
│   │   └── ...
│   └── db.spec.json                  # Database Migration/Seeding Specification file
└── ...
  • db.spec.json
        "drop": false, // Specifies if database should just be dropped.
        "seedOnly": false, // Specifies if existing database should be migrated or only seeded.
        "migrateForce": false, // Specifies if mongover should migrate the database even if the specified version is the same.
        "info": "_info",  // Specifies the collection name of the database information.
        "recreate": false, // Specifies if existing database should be dropped before specification is applied.
        "alias": "dbName", // Alias/Name the database specification will be deployed as.
        "version": "1.0.0", // Specifies the version of the database, this will determine if the database needs to be migrated or not.
        "collections": {
            "collectionName": {
                "drop": false, // Specifies if collection should just be dropped.
                "recreate": false, // Specifies if the Collection should be dropped before specification is applied.
                "recreateIndexes": false, // Specifies if all the Indexes of the Collection should be dropped before specification is applied.
                "options": {}, // Create Collection Options. See: http://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/3.2/api/Db.html#createCollection
                "indexes": [
                        "drop": false, // Specifies if index should just be dropped.
                        "recreate": false, // Specifies if Index with same name should  be dropped before specification is applied.
                        "keys": { // Specify keys to be indexed. See: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/indexes/#index-types
                            "fieldName": 1        
                        "options": { // Create Index Options. See: http://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/3.2/api/Db.html#createIndex
                            "name": "fieldName_1"
                "data": {
                    "upsert": {
                        "preserve_id": true, // Specifies if _id from export file should be preserved when applied.
                        "identifierFields": [ // Specify fields to be used to check if a document exists in the collection and used as filter to update the document.
                        "ignoreFields": [ // Specify fields to be ignored when updating existing documents.
                    "rename": { // Specify fields to be renamed when updating existing documents.
                        "fieldName": "newFieldName"
                    "unset": [ // Specify fields to be unset when updating existing documents.
                    "delete": { // Filter for deleteMany, leave empty if there is nothing to delete. Filter should be in EJSON format.
                        "fieldName": {
                            "$oid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

Data Export/Import File

  • jsonl

    {"_id":{"$oid":"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"},"fieldName": 1}
  • json

            "_id": {
                "$oid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
            "fieldName": 1
  • js

    module.exports = [
            _id: {
                $oid: 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
            fieldName: 1

Multiple Export/Import Files Per Collection

To have multiple json/js/jsonl files in dbName/data/ for one collection, follow this naming format:





  • Zishran Julbert Garces

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.