A MongoDB Database Server Seeder and Migration Tool.
is a set of tools that can be used as a module dependency for NodeJS applications or as a command line interface tool for the purpose of seeding and migrating MongoDB databases.
$ npm i mongover
const { apply } = require('mongover');
const options = {
specPath: './database',
uri: 'mongodb://',
dbs: [],
alias: [],
collections: [],
seedOnly: false,
migrateForce: false,
info: '_info',
socketTimeoutMS: 3600000,
MongoverOptions | Default | Type | Description |
specPath | ./database |
string | Path to Mongover Specification. |
uri | mongodb:// |
string | MongoDB Server connection string. |
dbs | [] // all dbs in specPath |
string[] | Specifies which databases to apply. |
alias | [] // no aliases |
string[] | Specifies the aliases of the specified databases to apply, a database will use the alias corresponding to its index. |
collections | [] // all collections in specPath |
string[] | Specifies which collections to apply. |
seedOnly | false |
boolean | Specifies if mongover should only seed instead of migrating existing database. |
migrateForce | false |
boolean | Specifies if mongover should migrate the database even if the specified version is lower or the same. |
info | _info |
string | Specifies the collection name of the database information. |
socketTimeoutMS | 3600000 |
number | Specifies how long a send or receive on a socket can take before timing out in milliseconds. |
await apply(options);
$ npm i -g mongover
$ mongover <command> [<args>] [<options>]
init: initializes a new Mongover Specification
$ mongover init [<specPath>] [-f dir|-f json]
<specPath> path to Mongover Specification. Defaults to `./database`.
-f or --format specifies Mongover Specification format, choose between `dir` and `json`. Defaults to `dir`.
extract: extracts the Mongover Specification of an existing MongoDB Server and initializes a new Mongover Repository with it.
$ mongover extract [<specPath>] [-u "<uri>"] [-d <dbName>[,...] [-c <collectionName>[,...]]] [-f dir|-f json] [-e jsonl|-e json|-e no [-q "<query>"]] [-i <infoCollection>] [--socketTimeoutMS <milliseconds>]
<specPath> path to Mongover Specification. Defaults to `./database`.
-u or --uri specifies the uri of the running mongod or mongos. Defaults to 'mongodb://'. -d or --dbs specifies which databases are to be extracted. -c or --collections specifies which collections are to be extracted. Defaults to all collections in specified databases. -f or --format specifies Mongover Specification format, choose between 'dir' and 'json'. Defaults to 'dir'. -e or --export specifies if data from the MongoDB Server should also be exported, choose between 'jsonl', 'json' and 'no'. Defaults to 'no'. -q or --query specifies a filter which data to be exported from the MongoDB Server. -i or --info specifies the collection name of the database information. Defaults to '_info'. --socketTimeoutMS specifies how long a send or receive on a socket can take before timing out in milliseconds. Defaults to '3600000'.
apply: applies the current Mongover Specification to the MongoDB Server.
$ mongover apply [<specPath>] [-u "<uri>"] [-d <dbName>[,...] [-a <alias>[,...]]] [-c <collectionName>[,...]] [-s] [-m] [-i <infoCollection>] [--socketTimeoutMS <milliseconds>]
<specPath> path to Mongover Specification. Defaults to current working directory.
-u or --uri pecifies the uri of the running mongod or mongos. Defaults to 'mongodb://'. -d or --dbs specifies which databases to apply. Defaults to all databases in the Mongover Specification. -a or --alias specifies the aliases of the specified databases to apply, a database will use the alias corresponding to its index separated by commas. -c or --collections specifies which collections to apply. Defaults to all collections in specified databases. -s or --seedOnly specifies if mongover should only seed the database instead of migrating it when it already exists. -m or --migrateForce specifies if mongover should migrate the database even if the specified version is lower or the same. -i or --info specifies the collection name of the database information. Defaults to '_info'. --socketTimeoutMS specifies how long a send or receive on a socket can take before timing out in milliseconds. Defaults to '3600000'.
help: outputs Mongover usage.
$ mongover help
├── dbName/ # Database Directory
│ ├── data/
│ │ ├── collectionName.jsonl # Export/Import file to be upserted to dbName.collectionName (alternatively `json|js`)
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── collections/
│ │ ├── collectionName.spec.json # Collection Migration/Seeding Specification file
│ │ └── ...
│ └── db.spec.json # Database Migration/Seeding Specification file
└── ...
{ "drop": false, // Specifies if database should just be dropped. "seedOnly": false, // Specifies if existing database should be migrated or only seeded. "migrateForce": false, // Specifies if mongover should migrate the database even if the specified version is the same. "info": "_info", // Specifies the collection name of the database information. "recreate": false, // Specifies if existing database should be dropped before specification is applied. "alias": "dbName", // Alias/Name the database specification will be deployed as. "version": "1.0.0", // Specifies the version of the database, this will determine if the database needs to be migrated or not. }
{ "drop": false, // Specifies if collection should just be dropped. "recreate": false, // Specifies if the Collection should be dropped before specification is applied. "recreateIndexes": false, // Specifies if all the Indexes of the Collection should be dropped before specification is applied. "options": {}, // Create Collection Options. See: http://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/3.2/api/Db.html#createCollection "indexes": [ { "drop": false, // Specifies if index should just be dropped. "recreate": false, // Specifies if Index with same name should be dropped before specification is applied. "keys": { // Specify keys to be indexed. See: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/indexes/#index-types "fieldName": 1 }, "options": { // Create Index Options. See: http://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/3.2/api/Db.html#createIndex "name": "fieldName_1" } } ], "data": { "upsert": { "preserve_id": true, // Specifies if _id from export file should be preserved when applied. "identifierFields": [ // Specify fields to be used to check if a document exists in the collection and used as filter to update the document. "fieldName" ], "ignoreFields": [ // Specify fields to be ignored when updating existing documents. "fieldName" ], }, "rename": { // Specify fields to be renamed when updating existing documents. "fieldName": "newFieldName" }, "unset": [ // Specify fields to be unset when updating existing documents. "fieldName" ], "delete": { // Filter for deleteMany, leave empty if there is nothing to delete. Filter should be in EJSON format. "fieldName": { "$oid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" } } } }
├── dbName/ # Database Directory
│ ├── data/
│ │ ├── collectionName.jsonl # Export/Import file to be upserted to dbName.collectionName (alternatively `json|js`)
│ │ └── ...
│ └── db.spec.json # Database Migration/Seeding Specification file
└── ...
- db.spec.json
{ "drop": false, // Specifies if database should just be dropped. "seedOnly": false, // Specifies if existing database should be migrated or only seeded. "migrateForce": false, // Specifies if mongover should migrate the database even if the specified version is the same. "info": "_info", // Specifies the collection name of the database information. "recreate": false, // Specifies if existing database should be dropped before specification is applied. "alias": "dbName", // Alias/Name the database specification will be deployed as. "version": "1.0.0", // Specifies the version of the database, this will determine if the database needs to be migrated or not. "collections": { "collectionName": { "drop": false, // Specifies if collection should just be dropped. "recreate": false, // Specifies if the Collection should be dropped before specification is applied. "recreateIndexes": false, // Specifies if all the Indexes of the Collection should be dropped before specification is applied. "options": {}, // Create Collection Options. See: http://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/3.2/api/Db.html#createCollection "indexes": [ { "drop": false, // Specifies if index should just be dropped. "recreate": false, // Specifies if Index with same name should be dropped before specification is applied. "keys": { // Specify keys to be indexed. See: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/indexes/#index-types "fieldName": 1 }, "options": { // Create Index Options. See: http://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/3.2/api/Db.html#createIndex "name": "fieldName_1" } } ], "data": { "upsert": { "preserve_id": true, // Specifies if _id from export file should be preserved when applied. "identifierFields": [ // Specify fields to be used to check if a document exists in the collection and used as filter to update the document. "fieldName" ], "ignoreFields": [ // Specify fields to be ignored when updating existing documents. "fieldName" ], }, "rename": { // Specify fields to be renamed when updating existing documents. "fieldName": "newFieldName" }, "unset": [ // Specify fields to be unset when updating existing documents. "fieldName" ], "delete": { // Filter for deleteMany, leave empty if there is nothing to delete. Filter should be in EJSON format. "fieldName": { "$oid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" } } } } } }
{"_id":{"$oid":"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"},"fieldName": 1}
[ { "_id": { "$oid": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" }, "fieldName": 1 } ]
module.exports = [ { _id: { $oid: 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' }, fieldName: 1 } ];
To have multiple json/js/jsonl
files in dbName/data/
for one collection, follow this naming format:
- Zishran Julbert Garces
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.