
Welcome to Campus OLX - your campus community's online marketplace for buying and selling second-hand products! Our backend API is built using Node.js and Express, with MongoDB as the database and Cloudinary.js for seamless image storage.


  • User Registration and Login: Easily sign up and log in with your campus email credentials to start using Campus OLX.
  • Product Listing: Create listings for your pre-owned items with images, descriptions, and prices.
  • Product Search and Filtering: Find the products you need with category, price range, and condition filters.
  • Product Detail View: View comprehensive product details and contact the seller directly.
  • Cloudinary Image Upload: Upload product images using Cloudinary.js for optimized storage.
  • User Profile Management: Manage your profile, listed products, and track transactions.

This project is contributed by:

  • Utsav Singh Tomar
  • Sumit Das
  • Suhail Ahmad Khan


To run the Campus-OLX backend API locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the dependencies for both frontend and backend using npm install command.
  3. Set up the MongoDB database and configure the connection settings in the backend.
  4. Start the backend server using npm run start command in the server directory.
  5. Start the frontend server using npm run dev command in the client directory.
  6. Access the application in your web browser localhost.

Login Details

  • To login as a user, you need to register yourself first. If you need an existing account the credentials are email:"",password:"password"

Contact Information

For any inquiries or suggestions regarding the Campus-OLX, please contact the project contributors: